Transparent versus Translucent
Identify Translucent, Opaque, and Transparent Objects
Demonstrate characteristics of transparent versus translucent versus opaque objects.
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Translucent, Transparent, Opaque
Objective: Identify transparent, translucent, and opaque objects.
Most students have no difficulty recognizing transparent (clear) objects and opaque (non-transparent) objects. But translucent is somewhat in-between.
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Transparent, Translucent, Opaque MatchCard

This is MatchCard #1 of the Energy Unit Study.
Find more information on MatchCard Science below.
Definitions of Transparent, Opaque, and Translucent
Give the students the following definitions:
- Transparent - Light passes through
- Opaque - Light does not pass through
- Translucent - Some light passes, but is diffused in different directions.
Hands-On Activities for Transparent, Translucent, and Obaque
Match Dishes and Cards
Take one of the following sets of items:
- Drinking glasses - clear, frosted, and solid colored mug
- Bowls - clear, translucent storage bowl, and solid colored
- Paper - clear kitchen wrap, waxed paper, construction paper or aluminum foil sheet
Print the words of transparent, opaque, and translucent on an index card. The students should match the words with the objects from the group.
The Hunt
Look around the room and name objects that can be seen that are either transparent, translucent, or opaque.
The opaque list will likely be the longest.
Then, have them name items they can think of that are transparent or translucent. Likely, transparent will the longer of the two.
Next, have them go on a hunt for other translucent objects. Often, the bathroom and kitchen are good places to find translucent containers.
Finally, have them make an on-going list of translucent objects they find over a one month period. See how long it takes to get to 20 objects.
Shining-Through: A Test
Have a set of items (such as the glasses, bowls, or paper listed above) on a table. You will want at least 2 to 3 of each type.
You will also need a large book or other stand-up divider to block the students' view.
A flashlight or other light source is needed.
Here is how to do the translucent object test:
The room does not need to be completely dark, but it helps to turn off or dim the lights so the flashlight beam can be easily seen.
Put the objects behind the book, so they are not seen.
Shine the flashlight on a clear object, so it goes through the glass, and the beam can be seen by the person on the other side of the book.
Then, shine the flashlight on the translucent object. Can they tell the difference?
Take turns shining the light on different objects. The student needs to guess which it is.
Transparent to Translucent
Use one or more of these objects which you are going to change from transparent to translucent:
- Transparent tape
- Clear kitchen wrap
- Clear plastic page protectors
- Overhead transparencies (yeah, they still make them.)
Put a piece of the tape (or other object listed above) on a newspaper, advertisement, or other printed paper that can be ruined. Read the words. Add another piece. Then another. Continue until it is translucent. How many layers did it take? Why did it become translucent? Answer: the tape is not perfectly transparent and the imperfections became apparent with more layers.
Read Through Water
You will need:
- A clear glass filled with water
- A light, sunny room
- A newspaper or bendable paperback book (that you don’t mind getting a little wet)
Put the glass of water in front of the print and read through it. Read the print out loud. It is do-able, but after a while it does become trying to concentrate.
Make it a little harder. Put the cup on top of the paper and read it.
Apply Transparent, Translucent, and Opaque to Art
If you go to an art store (or shop online) you may notice two types of water color paints:
- Semi-transparent
- Semi-opaque
What does that mean about water color paints?
Answer: They are actually translucent.
Water Color Paints
Water color paints are made of paint pigments floating in - you guessed it - water! Water is transparent (basically) and the pigments are not. The higher the percentage of water, the more transparent the paint is.
Feeling artistic: try painting a water color picture. Of course, there are the very cheap water color paints for young kids and the more expensive ones sold at art stores. There will be a difference in the quality of your paint.
Apply Transparent, Translucent, and Opaque to Human Anatomy
Now that you know about transparent, translucent, and obacity; let’s apply it to the human body. Look at another person. What part of their body that is visible is transparent, translucent, or opaque?
- Opaque: skin
- Translucent: finger nails and toe nails
- Transparent: cornea
If you look at the other person’s eye from the side, you will see the clear, glassy-looking cornea. Why do you think the cornea is transparent? Answer: Light needs to penetrate the cornea in order for us to see.
Vision, Opacity, and Cataracts
Of course you want a transparent cornea and lens. Cataracts occur if the lens becomes translucent or obaque. Do an internet search for
“cataract vision” and look at the images.