Three Column Spelling
A Spelling Strategy that Works
Syllable Savvy's three-column-spelling strategy presents each word in three different columns.
Why Three Columns Spelling?
The First Column
The first column uses phonetic spelling.
When the paper is folded over so only the first column is showing, the student sees the word as it sounds. This eliminates the need for someone to read each word to him or her. The word is written with "dictionary" spelling.
This first column allows the student to study independently. If you simply handed them a sheet with the words spelled the usual way, they would not be able to self-test themselves as effectively.
There's a hidden benefit: students quickly learn the sounds of the common dictionary phonetic markings.
The Second Column
The second column of the three column spelling method displays the word as it is normally written. This is the way we usually see the word and it is probably familiar to the students. But it is much easier to
read a word than it is to
spell it.
The Third Column
Here in this third column is the strength of the three column spelling method. In this column each word is written in syllables, with the number of letters in the syllable recorded.
After looking at the phonetic column and regular column, the student will proceed to write the word, syllable by syllable.
Once they have written the word, it is time to correct it syllable by syllable. They note the number of letters that they got correct in each syllable. If they got all letters correct, they make a special mark on their page (check, smiley face, star, heart.)
Why does this simple strategy work?
Students frequently "study" words and keep making the same mistake repeatedly without recognizing it. They do not find out until the day of the test they "studied" the word incorrectly.
Since most syllables are made of only three or four letters, the self-correcting by number of letters in a syllable focuses their attention on each letter. They can't "miss" their mistake.
In addition, it breaks even the most unusual words into less challenging syllables. Finally, the patterns within words become more evident to students the longer they use this method.
Try It Yourself
Would you like to try a
FREE DOWNLOAD of the first lesson? You can use the lesson with your student, or adopt the three column method with a different list of words from another program.
One of the best things about Syllable Savvy Spelling is you don't have to buy it. If you are using another method, use our lessons as templates to copy the words from your list.
Once students learn this simple three column spelling they automatically use it with every word they encounter.
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- Order the paperback book. The 136 page soft cover will be mailed to you.
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Softcover books are mailed to your home. It includes the instructors guide, student workbook pages, spelling guide, and appendix with spelling rules. No other books are needed.
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Syllable Savvy Spelling Pages
Check out our other pages on the The Score Soaring Way to Spell
Syllable Savvy Spelling
Discover how Syllable Savvy teaches anyone to spell any word.
3 Column Method
Three columns promote the syllable-by-syllable technique.
Teaching Spelling
How to teach with Syllable Savvy Spelling
Themes in Syllable Savvy
Spelling Themes in each of the graded curriculum
Level 3
3rd Grade Spelling
Level 4
4th Grade Spelling
Level 5
5th Grade Spelling
Level 6
6th Grade Spelling
Level 7
7th Grade Spelling
Level 8
8th Grade Spelling