by Geneva Duand, age 13
(San Pedro de la Paz, CHILE)
Dutch Sea Captain Michael De Ruyter 1607-1676
Many Dunkirk Pirates in English Channel
Others scared to leave port, cargo rotting
De Ruyter schemes and sails
He meets the pirates
The pirates fall overboard
De Ruyter escapes
Pirate Captain: Hold yer swords ready, me mates! Here she comes!
First mate: Why, cap'n, there ain't nobody on that there ship. She look kinder spooky.
Pirate Captain: I never seed no true pirate afeard. If ye be afeard ye can swim wi' yon sharks!
First mate: But ye gotter admit that there ain't hardly none crew on that there ship, sure?
Pirate Captain: Well, sure, but that's 'cause they 'ave a gone ta the east an' 'ave los' mos' o them there men, that's all, chicken.
First Mate: I'se no chicken. I'se only afeard o ghosts. I almos'saw one once.
Pirate Captain: Ye an' yer ghost stories. But wait a sec'. Them there Dutch ship is a look'n like De Ruyter's!
First mate: I don?t trust no Dutch cheesehead. They alway' 'ave got something up them there dirty little sleeves. Why ain't he that cap'n as 'ave terryefied all them there odder pirates outer the water?
Pirate Captain: Yep, he is. We 'ave got him in a fine trap now, though! But he is almos' here. Ready, mates?
Crew: Ready cap'n! Alway!
Pirate Captain: Well, then, here goes!
First mate: Ahhhhh! This here ship, she is co'erd wi' butter!
De Ruyter: Get dem, men! Shove dem o'erboard or take dem prisoner!
Crew member: Captain De Ruyter, ve've got de Pirate Captain here.
Pirate Captain: That was a low down dirty, stinky trick, Ruyter! Ta co'er ye ship wi' slimy butter!
De Ruyter: Vell, I had to slip by you somehow! But if you vant to, you can tell de audorities in Holland vhile I sell my cargo!
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