Sign of the Beaver Vocabulary
Vocabulary words and definitions for The Sign of the Beaver
Vocabulary Words for The Sign of the Beaver
Chapter 1
Reckoned - considered
Notch - a slit cut into a hard surface
Coil - circle, wrap around
Surveyor - a person who surveys or inspects land and land usage
Puncheon - rough wood
Daub - spread
Aye - yes
Blunderbuss - an old musket that scatters shot, inaccurate
Mite - (this context) “a bit long”
Knack - skill or ability
Rueful - regretful, disappointed
Trudge - walk slowly
Chapter 2
Prorietor - owner of a business
Solitary - single
Rummage - search by digging through items
Chapter 3
Passel - large number
Lingo - language, regional vocabulary
Vaguely - not clear, indistinct
Popish - related to Roman Catholicism
Hunch - inner guess, suspicion
Burly - strong, heavy
Prickle - small sharp point
Chapter 4
Deprive - remove or withhold something, usually something that is expected
Mite - small amount
Chapter 5
Glimpse - a brief, quick look
Bellow - loud roar
Chapter 6
Pewter - an alloy (mixture of metals) usually of tin and lead, used to make dishes in colonial times
Hastily - quickly
Abruptly - suddenly
Winced - small painful cry or grimace
Brisk - fast
Scorn - strong dislike
Incomprehensible - ot understandable
Chapter 7
Disdainfully - with disdain or contempt, strong dislike
Finicky - difficult to please
Chapter 8
Salvage - Rescue items from a shipwreck or other form of loss
Adz - ax-like tool
Chapter 9
Non-chalantly - acting as if nothing significant is happening, casual
Ordeal - difficult challenge
Contemptuous - feeling contempt, scorn, or severe dislike
Chapter 10
Horrid - awful, horrible
Thrash - toss and squirm violently
Grudgingly - relunctantly
Chapter 11
Mangy - loss of hair from mange, a skin disease caused by parasites
Cuff - hit with back of hand
Wary - distrustful
Disposition - personality
Disgruntled - displeased, unhappy
Gingerly - slowly, uncertainly
Chapter 12
Chagrined - disappointed
Paring - cutting
Chapter 13
Defiant - act of defying or boldly resisting
Goad - encourage or prompt, often with a stick or reward
Chapter 15
Grouse - ground feeding bird in the same classification as pheasant or partridge
Comical - funny
Stoutly - strongly
Chapter 16
Nimbly - moving quickly and gracefully
Entrance - (verb) filled with wonder
Stockade - fort, usually made of wood
Falter - move without certainty
Pungent - strong smelling
Ghastly - shocking, horrible
Medley - mixture
Contortions - unusuallly twisted positions
Chapter 17
Shrill - high pitched
Sober - serious
Alternately - changing back and forth
Mortar - bowl-shaped dish where substances are pounded into a powder
Genial - friendly
Abruptly - suddenly
Chapter 18
Scarlet - bright red
Detected - saw, noticed
Warily - carefully with fear or uncertainty
Ferocious - savage, fierce
Placid - calm
Menacing - threatening
Summon - call, bring forward
Substantial - have great substance or wealth
Gaunt - thin
Relent - soften one’s stance, become less servere
Intricate - entangled, complicated
Pungent - sharp, biting odor or sensation
Chapter 19
Forfeit - to lose, often as a penalty
Chapter 20
Resolve - make a firm decision
Chapter 21
Stalk - to walk with
Dignity - bearing oneself with self-respect
Boisterous - noisy
Chapter 23
Meager - small
Beseech - ask
Teeming - full of, abounding
Prowess - daring skill
Trencher - rectangular plate
Chapter 24
Pewter - mixture of tin and other metals used to make dishes in colonial times
Chapter 25
Aught - anything
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Map of Penobscot River for The Sign of the Beaver
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