Rifles for Watie Vocabulary
Rifles for Watie Vocabulary word lists presents uncommon words in the order they appear in the chapter.
Vocabulary Words from Rifles for Watie
Chapter 1
- Cascade - Falls like a waterfall
- Drouth - Drought, period of dry weather
- Erratic - Unusual, irregular
- Clique - Exclusive group that shuts out others
- Guerilla Warfare - non-official groups that attack towns systematically
- Feist - Small mongrel dog, mutt
- Homespun - Plain cloth, woven at home
- Rangy - Slender
- Orate - Give formal speech
- Paregoric - Medicine
- Bushwhackers - Irregular military that raid rural areas
Chapter 2
- Laming - to make someone lame or crippled
- Cunning - shrewd, has a connotation of deceitfulness
- Adversary - opponent or enemy
- Spurs - metal placed over boots to urge a horse forward
- Pungent - sharp smell
- Precept - rule or law
Chapter 3
- Brogans - heavy, ankle-high work shoes
- Sumac - a plant, can be toxic, used in tanning
- Awry - in the wrong direction
- Relunctantly - with hesitation or uncertainty
Chapter 4
- Audible - able to be heard
- Impertinent - improper, smart alec or rude
- Evasive - tending to hide something
- Swarthy - dark complexion
- Surly - sour mood
- Vindictive - desire to hurt
- Jaded - tired or cynical
- Bivouac - encampment of tents
- Hazed - clouded
- Furlough - recess or break
- Tamarisk - a weed-like shrub bush that grows in dry soil
Chapter 5
- Pensive - thoughtfully
- Daguerreotype - old fashioned photographs using mercury vapor on a silver plate
- Tawny - yellowish brown color
- Florid - rosy color or flowery shape
- Dejected - sad, depressed
Chapters 6 - 11
Our unit study includes the full vocabulary word list for all eleven chapters. It's three column format also makes it a perfect mark to save the spines of your books.
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