by Jessica
(Appomattox, va, usa)
Judge: Settle down, settle down time to buy your tickets.
(three months later)
Francis Doughty: all right, bead, milk, water, meat, blankets, clothes, bible, oh what else do we need.
Mark Doughty: Calm down everything was packed.
Just relax. Lacy, get your brother it is time to embark on a amazing trip.
(one week later)
Lacy Doughty: Father, are we in Plymouth yet?
Mark Doughty: no, note yet. We will be there in 2 days.
Francis Doughty: Mark, it is getting dark. Can we please stop and rest for the night?
Mark Doughty: well we have to wait a little bit longer. This land is not level.
(a few minutes later)
Lacy and John: Goodnight mother goodnight father.
(2 days later)
Mark Doughty: we are finally in Plymouth.
Francis Doughty: I will go and get more food for us.
Lacy Doughty: John we are almost to our new home. We only have to find some an empty lot that we can own.
John Doughty: I wish we could have stayed I miss Matthew Harter.
Lacy Doughty: I know I miss Emily, Beth, Lisa, and Grace. We will find more friends here in Plymouth.
Mark Doughty: we have land. It is only a few minutes away from the school.
Lacy Doughty: cool, yeah now we only have to find the land and build a house.
(2 weeks later)
Lacy Doughty: Mother, I found a friend her name is Amy. Mother you had the baby. Is it a boy or girl?
Francis Doughty: it is a girl. You are going to name her.
Lacy Doughty: Mother, I think her name should be Liberty.
Francis Doughty: That is such a beautiful name. Would you like to hold Liberty.
Lacy Doughty: Why yes mother this is the best present anyone could have.
The End.
By Karen Newell Copyright© 2009 - 2025 Learn For Your Life All Rights Reserved