Top off your study of the deep sea with the templates for this colorful ocean lapbook.
Use the Ocean Map from Ocean MatchCard #1 to create this fold out. Colored pencils were used to color the ocean blue and land yellow. Blue markers indicate the ocean currents.
The map was cut out and folded in half. The words "Ocean Map" were written with oil crayons, and colored pencils swirled colors around it.
The name and description of each part of seaweed is in the inside flap.
Ocean creatures from Ocean MatchCard #2 is displayed on Panels 3 and 4. The ocean and creatures were colored with crayons.
A tri-fold was made for the three types of ocean creatures (Benthos, Nekton, Plankton.) The title is on the front and striped with different colored pencils. A description is listed on the middle flap. The inside contains pictures and examples of species in that class.
Panel #4 has two different booklets with water routes information from Ocean MatchCard #4.
List your own watershed on the outside of the triangle by naming the creeks and rivers that water will join from the time it falls into your yard until it reaches the ocean. Each part was colored with a different crayons.
Seven different parts of the MatchCard were made into a septagon with the name written on each of the seven flaps. (Ocean, lake, spring, brook, creek, river, estuary) Lift the flap and reach each definition.
The ocean zones from MatchCard #6 were painted directly onto the top of Panels 7 & 8 with acrylic paints. Only three colors were used: blue, white, and black. At the top blue and white were mixed, then blue, then blue and black.
Another piece of a file folder was cut out to the the flap that covered the ocean zones. "How Low Will You Go" was written with marker on the front flap. Fish stickers were added. A bottom flap was made by folding it backward and gluing it on so the top is pulled downward to reveal the different zones of the ocean.
The definitions of each area of the ocean floor is read as the flaps at the bottom are opened.
A segmented booklet allows algea and plants to be compared using the information from MatchCard #7. Highlighters were used to highlight the different types of seaweed. Since we didn't have a brown highlighter, yellow, orange, and blue were highlighted over the words and it appeared brownish.
"Oceanography Unit Study" was printed on blue paper. Curvy fiskar scissors cut out the blue paper.
MatchCards make science concepts and corresponding vocabulary interactive. As students move the information pieces on the MatchCards they review the material they have already learned.
Your budding astronomers will learn how to track the great celestial bodies across the night sky. From the sun and moon, to stars and galaxies, worlds of wonder are waiting to be explored.
By Karen Newell Copyright© 2009 - 2025 Learn For Your Life All Rights Reserved