"What will become of my reputation?" asked Scarlet O'Hara as she danced with Rhett Butler.
"With enough courage," he replied, "one can do without a reputation."
About a year and a half ago, our family left our church after attending for five years. The people at our new church were kind and welcoming, but I still felt an empty spot. I sat in the corner thinking about how selfish people were not to come and talk to me, but I made no move to go to them myself. I thought if I said anything to anyone that I would say or do something dumb and would ruin my chances of getting a great friend. I would get a bad reputation. At the same time, I wanted a friend and I wanted one whom I could talk to. How hypocritical: I wanted to talk to someone but I didn't want to say anything and lose a potential friend. And so I went on in this state for a while. I was getting to know some people, but I still said very little for fear that I would act stupid. I told myself I was shy. I was. But it was more than that; I was being a coward and I was being self-centered. What could I do?
1) Courage: the ability to face difficulty without being overcome by fear
2) People who have shown courage
3) Times when I had to show courage
- Meeting new people
- Talking to people I already know
I have not yet overcome my barrier of shyness. I am in the midst of facing it, and bit by bit I feel it crumbling to pieces. My hope is that someday, my timidity will completely collapse. Someday I hope to have the courage of one girl I know who can be herself without worrying what others think of her. For that very reason, I respect her. I think perhaps that is why Rhett Butler said that you can live without a reputation if you have enough courage. I want to be like him, to be like my friend, with enough courage to talk to anyone without being afraid of other people's opinions.
Comments for Molly (age 13)
By Karen Newell Copyright© 2009 - 2025 Learn For Your Life All Rights Reserved