Mitosis Diagram
The mitosis diagram in the cell reproduction worksheet shows the phases of mitosis.
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MatchCard Science Cell Reproduction Worksheet
Objective: Compare the phases of mitosis and list them in correct order.
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MatchCard Information Pieces define and describe the phases of mitosis. Ideas for projects are listed on the instructor's page and below.
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This is MatchCard #14 of the Zoology Unit Study. Find more information on MatchCard Science below.
Phases of Mitosis
To make it easier to identify what the different cell parts are doing through the different stages of mitosis, it helps to color each part one color and keep it the same on each diagram. Students can color the black and white student sheet using colors of their choice. Here we use the following color scheme:
- Cytoplasm: Pink
- Nucleus: Yellow
- Chromosomes: Blue
- Centrioles: Purple
- Spindles: Green
1st Stage of Mitosis: Interphase
The interphase is the "resting" stage during which the cell is not undergoing cellular division. Cells are in the interphase for 90% of their life cycle.
2nd Stage of Mitosis: Prophase
In the prophase the genetic material in the cell unwinds and pairs of chromosomes appear in the nucleus. The two centrioles move to opposite sides of the cells.
3rd Stage of Mitosis: Metaphase
During the metaphase the chromosomes line up in the center of the cell. Spindles appear from the centrioles and connect to the chromosomes.
4th Stage of Mitosis: Anaphase
In the anaphase the chromomes are split apart with each half pulled to the opposite side of the cell by the spindles.
5th Stage of Mitosis: Telophase
During telophase new nuclear membranes form inside each new cell separating the nucleus from the rest of the cell organs.
Back to Interphase
Both daughter cells return to the interphase. This is a time of cell growth and functioning.
Mitosis Learning Activities
Use the Mitosis Worksheet
Print one copy of the Mitosis Matchcard from the link above for each student and one copy of the teacher's page for yourself.
Students can match the Information Pieces to the correct phase of mitosis on the page.
Mnemonic: Please Make A Twin
The menmonic "Please Make A Twin" makes it easier to remember the active phases of cell division.
- Please: Pairs of chromosomes aPPear in Prophase
- Make: chromomes Meet in the center during Metaphase
- A: chromomes are pulled Apart during Anaphase
- T: Two cells with their own nucleus appear in Telophase
Mitosis Flip Book
Print an additional student copy of the worksheet for each student. They can color the diagram with colored pencils with the colors of their choice. Keep it consistent for each cell part in each diagram.
As an alternative, they can draw their own diagrams on index cards.
Staple them together and make a mitosis flipbook.
Mitosis Memory Game
Cut the worksheet into individual flashcards and write the phases on index cards. Lay them out face downward and play a memory game.
As an alternative, the cards can be mixed up and students put them in the correct order as fast as possible. This can be a collaborative or competitive exercise if you have more than one student.
Mitosis Quiz
All of the MatchCards can be used as a quiz. Simply give them a new copy of the student page without the information pieces. They need to identify and describe each stage.
Another way to emphasize what is happening during each phase is to allow the student to create a mitosis quiz for YOU to complete. They need to identify at least one event occuring in each stage and make it as a matching quiz.
Mitosis vs Meiosis
Students sometimes get confused by the difference between meiosis and mitosis. It helps to remember that mitosis produces an identical cell. Most plant and animal cells undergo MITOSIS because the organism has a longer life expectancy than the individual cells.
MEIOSIS is a special process that only sexual cells undergo. In animals the process of Meiosis produces sperm and egg cells. Each cell has only half the chromosomes of a regular cell. That way the new organism gets the correct number of genes: half from each parent.
- Mitosis: an individual cell within an orgamism produces new cells
- Meiosis: the organism produces a new offspring