Magnet Worksheet
The Magnet Experiments MatchCard leads students on an exploration of the poles of common magnets.
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Opposites Attract
Objective: Predict what poles of a magnet will be attacted or repelled by the pole of another magnet.
Let the student experiment with a set of common magnets. They will quickly find that one side of a magnet will either be attracted or repelled by one side of a different magnet.
Explain that the magnet has two poles: north and south. What else has two poles? (Earth)
Ask them to find a way to tell which pole is north and which pole is south.
Print the Magnetic Poles Worksheet

This is MatchCard #3 of the Light and Energy Unit Study. Find more information on MatchCard Science below.
Where Is North?
If a magnet hangs free on a string, it will automatically position itself so that its north pole is facing the Earth's North Pole.
Here is how you might find north with different types of magnets and string:
- Horseshoe magnet: Tie the string (yarn or tooth floss will also work) in the middle.
- Bar magnets: Line up two or more magnets so they attract each other. Put a string in the middle of them.
- Washer shaped magnets: Tie the string through the circle.
Extra challenge: Use two different types of magnets with each other to discover which sides repel and attract.
How To Make a Compass
- Once you have found the north pole of a magnet, rub the end with a needle or straight pin. You have magnetized the pin.
- Fill a glass with water.
- Very carefully, without breaking the surface tension on the top of the water, lay the magnetized pin or needle on the water.
- Watch the needle move so it points north.
Crazy Compass
Magnetize another pin or needle.
Lay it next to the first needle in the water, being careful not to break the surface tension.
Notice how they react.