Live It Up, Write It Down
Live It Up, Write It Down will get your kindergarten, first, and second graders happily writing with these fun, engaging writing activities.
Fun, hands-on activities are the basis for this writing program that will get your kids eager to share their writings.
Live It Up
The Ultimate Writing Prompts
These are the best ever pre-writing prompts for your primary students: make applesauce, climb a tree, sculpt an animal. There are fun activities galore that get kids moving
and then writing.
So what's so great about these activities? In addition to
NOT being boring, their experiences get students to write:
- Descriptions
- Details
- Emotional reactions
- Reasons
They write descriptions, reactions, and reasons because they experience them. Moreover, they are always ready to try something new with an unpredictable twist and eager to share their final work.
Write It Down
Lights, Camera, Action, Write is one of the weekly writing activities. Students record their experiences after "living it up."
Other writing activities are included as well.
Love Good Books lists 60 favorite picture books available at virtually any library. In addition to listening to a story, reading the story, the kids also get to act it out, do art work or other activities related to the story. Then they take up the pencil and write several sentences of their own to add to the story. You may use the activities listed in this curriculum, or substitute any book that is on your reading list.
Other types of writing activities include
Journal Junior (kids tell what they have been up to), and writing about academic subjects and creative arts.
Writing Steps
The steps to writing may differ slightly depending on the activity, but in general the steps include:
- Hands-on activity
- Writing (first draft)
- Teacher/Tutor develops model correcting mistakes in student writing
- Copy or edit from the model
- Art work is added
- Share your work
- Save it in your notebook
And The Very Best Notebook Ever!
Two facts experienced teachers and parents all know guide the development of the child's writing notebook:
- The writing and drawings of children are juvenile and filled with errors and inaccuracies.
- Those same errors become priceless sign posts of the child's journey to maturity.
They will not always reverse letters, misspell "what", and forget to put periods at the end of the sentence. These writing activities give them the experience and practice the kindergarten through second grade students need to write correct sentences and paragraphs. Meanwhile, they are enjoying the writing process and you are preserving the steps of this important and complex process.
Part of the learning process is showing them how far they have progressed. It's a great reminder for both of you.
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What is in the Book?
The student models give an example of what another elementary student wrote. The examples are usually five to six sentences long, the target length for the end of second grade. Younger students will write shorter descriptions.
See More Pages:
Live It Up Writing Prompts show three more writing activities.
What Comes After 2nd Grade?
Write On: The Kid Friendly,
Mother Pleasing, Gentle Way to Write
3rd to 8th Grade
This multi-level writing program takes students from sentences to paragraphs and essays and finally to thesis development. Creative writing exercises are interspersed between academic writing with the same emphasis on high-interest topics and a variety of writing activities. Learn more about
Write On: The Kid-Friendly, Mother Pleasing, Gentle Way to Learn to Write.