Lion To Guard Us Vocabulary
Vocabulary word list from Clyde Robert Bulla's historical fiction book,
A Lion To Guard Us.

Chapter One
- Colony - a group that has located in a different location but still is related to it's country
- Voyage - trip, journey
- Snort - a sound that indicates disgust
- Cruel - mean, harsh
Chapter Two
- Pallet - a temporary wooden platform used as a bed, often stuffed with straw
- Carpenter - person who builds houses and furniture from wood
- Knocker - a metal bar used by visitors to knock at a door
- Brass - a yellow metal made out of copper and zinc
Chapter Three
- Cupboards - cabinets for food
- Idle - not busy, lazy
- Noddy - fool
Chapter Four
- Crosspatch - grouchy personK
- Currant - small berry
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
- Roly-poly - round, fat
- Seized - grabbed roughly
Chapter Seven
- Inn - a place where people spent the night; old fashioned hotel
- Pier - wooden landing along a river where people can get into boats or ships
- Shivering - shaking from cold or fear
Chapter Eight
- Bobbed - moved up and down
- Fetch - bring to someone
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Clyde Bulla's Historical Fiction of Jamestown & the Sea Venture
Our Unit Study
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Geography Activities
Vocabulary Book Marks
Literary Analysis for kids
Date of Major Events
Highlights of each chapter
Sea Venture Game
Game of events of 1609 - 1610
Chapter Nine
- Grate - metal bars over fireplace
- Clank - a heavy sound of metal banging
Chapter Ten
- Packet - small boat that carries passengers on a regularly scheduled route
- Harbor - where ships are docked on shore along a sea coast
- Inn - a large house where travelers stayed (replaced by hotels)
- Admiral - the commander of a fleet of ships
- Mist - very fine drops of water in the air
Chapter Eleven
- Deck - the upper floor of a ship with no roof
- Hold - the lower floors of a ship
- Captain - the master of a ship
- Admiral - the master of a fleet of ships
- Governor - the political ruler of a state or colony
Chapter Twelve
- Galley - kitchen area on a ship
- Overboard - a person falling from a ship's deck into the water
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
- Fierce - violent, severe
- Dodge - move away from
- Afloat - on top of water
- Grinding - rubbing hard against a rough surface
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
- Sandbank - large mound of sand
- Kettle - large pot
Chapter Eighteen
- Palmetto - tropical palm tree with fan-shaped leaves
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
- Quarrel - argument
- Keel - long piece of wood at bottom of a ship
- Hull - the frame of the ship
Chapter Twenty-One
- Harbor - body of water surrunded by land on three sides. Ships frequently dock in harbors.
- Roam - wander
- Coal - charcoal, substance burnt for cooking or heat
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
- Plank - long board to walk on
- Latch - bar that holds a door shut
Get the Lion To Guard Us Unit Study

Student Guide AND Teacher's Answer Key Included
$2.99 Download - 78 pages
Our pages for A Lion To Guard Us
Clyde Bulla's Historical Fiction of Jamestown & the Sea Venture
Our Unit Study
Download the 78 page Unit
Geography Activities
Vocabulary Book Marks
Literary Analysis for kids
Date of Major Events
Highlights of each chapter
Sea Venture Game
Game of events of 1609 - 1610