Kaleidos 7

Kaleidos 7 provides your seventh grade students with a dynamic language arts curriculum based on classical literature kids love to read and creative writing topics they like to write about.

Kaleidos 7 Language Arts Curriculum

Literary Anaysis Kids Like!

Kaleidos 7 Front Cover

The Year At A Glance

Year At A Glance Chart

You can print The Year At A Glance chart that gives a concise overview of the program.

There are 15 three-week modules which include: This is a total of 45 weeks which can be a year round 12 month curriculum. For those who prefer a nine-month, thirty-six week curriculum, instructions are provided on how to combine the research and literature modules.

Print a Copy of the Overview and 1st Week's Lesson

Kaleidos 7 - Overview & Week 1

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Literature in Kaleidos 7

These super books for seventh graders have withstood the two toughest tests: Time and Kids On this page you will find a description of these books on the Kaleidos 7 reading list.

Writing in Kaleidos

Write On #83

Write On, The Kid-Friendly, Mother Pleasing, Gentle Way to Learn to Write continues as the basis for creative writing in seventh grade.

In the middle of the year, students have a unit on writing poetry. Sound difficult? Not with Write On.

As Write On #83 above shows, some forms of poetry can be easy to do. Limericks, epitaphs, mood reflections and other types of poetry can be played with by the most unpoetic amongst us.

What's the purpose of having a non-poetic seventh grader try their hand at verse? Many of the creative writing exercises in Write On exist so students can tinker and play words, twist them and try them in different ways. It provides them with bolder and more original word-usage for both speaking and writing.

And spaced between the creative lessons, seventh graders continue to gradually increase their ability at academic writing and essay construction.

Write On

Some of their writing accomplishments as they progress from Write On #62 to 92 will include For the first nine weeks of Kaleidos 7, students who are new to Write On have seperate lessons acquainting them with the methods of paragraph development already learned by students who used the program before. From week 10 to 30, both experienced and new students will work on the same writing activities.

Syllable Savvy 7

Syllable Savvy 7

Whether students are new to Syllable Savvy Spelling or have used it before, they will find the syllable-by-syllable; 3 column method of spelling a great asset to study and remember how to spell ANY word they come across.

In seventh grade, the theme is scientific terms. As in other years, not all the words are related to the theme, but at least four words per week. Unlike the earlier years, the scientific words are not always at the top (which was the case when spelling states and capitals (4th grade), books of the Bible (5th grade), and nations and capitals (sixth grade.)

The same twenty-one spelling rules are listed in the appendix of each Syllable Savvy Spelling book, as students build on the rules and patterns they have learned in the past.

Check out some of the sample 7th grade spelling words at this link.


The Big Bad Grammar Slammer

The Big Bad Grammar Slammer

Students who have previously used The Big, Bad Grammar Slammer will continue to play the game once a week. This has a few benefits for them. First, they retain the information they already know about grammar as each concept is included in the game. Second, as they encounter those concepts in a more traditional grammar study, they can encorporate them as they write sentences for the game.

Student who are new to Kaleidos, have The Grammar Slammer modules listed in their Weekly Schedule for the first nine weeks. After that, they will play the game once a week.

Essential English Grammar

In seventh and eighth grade The Essential English Grammar is mastered over a two year period. This text was introduced in fifth and sixth grade and the most basic rules of grammar were learned.

Now, in Kaleidos 7 and 8, students create notecards based on the information in the text. This has three benefits:
  1. It teaches the intricacies of grammar
  2. It teaches note taking skills
  3. It enhances test taking skills


Kaleidos 7 and Kaleidos 8 list calligraphy exercises in the Weekly Schedule. In Kaleidos 7, students use the book Calligraphy In Ten Easy Lessons by Eleanor Winters.

Motivated students oftten work ahead of the lessons (which is fine.) But the key to success is completing the assigned assessment for each letter formation.

The appendix of Kaleidos 7 has templates to assist with the calligraphy lessons, as well suggestions for supplies (we recommend an inexpensive 2.5mm calligraphy marker.) For those students who want to take their study of calligraphy to a higher level, ideas for resources are included.


We recommend beginning coding with Javascript in Kaleidos 7. The Weekly Schedule includes bi-weekly on-line lessons at Kahn Academy.

If your student is ahead or behind in computer skills, recommendations are listed in the Instructor's Guide in the back of the book.

Buy Kaleidos 7

Just the Kaleidos 7 Manual

Kaleidos 7 Instructors Manual

$12.99 Includes full-year schedule, Instructor's Guide and appendix

Note: The Instructor's Manual is part of the curriculum packages below, so does not need to be purchased separately if you buy the package.

The softcover manual will be shipped to your home.

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Buy The Curriculum Package

Kaleidos 7 Curriculum

The Kaleidos 7 curriculum package contains these resources: Kaleidos 7 Guide, Write On, Syllable Savvy Spelling 7, The Big Bad Grammar Slammer, Essential English, Calligraphy In Ten Easy Lessons, and the correct size black calligraphy marker.


Note: The Curriculum package above includes only the six curriculum books and marker pictured. It does not include the literature books. These classics are likely available at your library. You may find them locally, including at used book stores. For your convenience, we also have them available below in economical paperback editions.

Buy The Literature Package

Kaleidos 7 Literature Package



The literature package includes all thirteen books pictured above. It does not include the curriculum guide, writing, spelling, grammar, and calligraphy books which are sold as a package above.

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