Kaleidos 4
Kaleidos 4 provides a full year curriculum for fourth graders in reading, literature, writing, spelling, grammar, speaking, and computer skills. With its strong emphasis on creative writing and literature, it improves communication skills, offers hands on unit studies, and promotes a love of learning.
The Year At A Glance
You can print The Year At A Glance chart that gives a concise overview of the program.
There are 15 three-week modules which include:
- 10 Full Modules = 3 weeks each (Literature, Writing, Spelling, Grammar, Phonics Reader, Computer)
- 2 Research Writing Modules - 6 consecutive weeks
- 3 Literature Only Modules - weeks
This is a total of 45 weeks which can be a year round 12 month curriculum. For those who prefer a nine-month, thirty-six week curriculum, instructions are provided on how to combine the research and literature modules.
Download A Free Copy of the Overview and 1st Week's Lessons
Kaleidos 4 offers a variety of literature types, but all are appealing to fourth graders.
- Sarah Plain and Tall
- Sounder
- Strawberry Girl
- Benjamin West and His Cat Grimalkin
- Guns for General Washington
- The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
- The Corn Grows Ripe
- Jungle Book
- Misty of Chincoteague
- Old Yeller
- Wind in the Willows
- The Midnight Fox
- American Tall Tales
Here is a
description of all these books on the Kaleidos fourth grade reading list.
In addition to awesome literature, Kaleidos 4 provides fourth graders with a variety of engaging activities that leaves them eager to create - and share- their own written ideas.
Our writing activities are based on
Write On, The Kid-Friendly, Mother Pleasing, Gentle Way to Learn to Write. Fourth grade students who are new to Write On will do Write On lessons #1 - 41. Experienced Kaleidos students who used the program last year will be doing Write On Lessons #20 to 41. The Weekly Schedule lists distinct lessons for both groups who end the year at the same lesson.
In Kaleidos 4, students will:
- Continue paragraph development using the 5 W's (who, when, what, when, where)
- Further develop paragraphs as they write historical and personal letters
- Outline Pros and Cons
- Develop a persuasive essay
- Write a few poems
- Write a dialogue in accents (see Write On #28 pictured above)
- Write complex sentences with semi-colons and appositives using humor
- Develop a "How To" Essay
- Write their own tall tale
At the end of the year, Kaleidos 4 students will have written multiple bi-weekly creative activities, 10 - 12 three paragraph essays, a larger four page report, and the three oral presentations (described below.)
Speaking and Oral Presentations
The Weekly Schedule provides at least one time a week when the students take a few minutes to give a brief oral presentation based on work in Kaleidos 4.
In addition, there are three formal presentations included in the curriculum:
- News Report: film your own broadcast
- Book Report: question and answer session
- Persuasive Speech: with or without Powerpoint
Syllable Savvy 4
Syllable Savvy Spelling is a unique spelling program that teaches students how to master any word with an unfamiliar spelling.
Each week, 15 fourth grade spelling words are listed, as well as their phonetic pronunciation and their syllable-by-syllable break down. Students are shown the common spelling patterns within syllables.
An index of spelling rules and teacher's guide is provided with each Syllable Savvy Spelling book.
In Kaleidos 4, each spelling list begins with two states and capitals of the United States. A different theme is provided in the different levels of Syllable Savvy.
The diagram below lists words from Syllable Savvy 5, but the format is the same for the fourth grade.
The diagram above (from Syllable Savvy 5) shows how it works. The student studies from the middle column. The left column shows the pronunciation (and can be used by independent learners to self-study.)
It's in the right column that the focus for student success occurs. They see the word broken down by syllables, and note the number of letters in each syllable. As they write the word on their own, they focus on the correct letters in each syllable. Even the largest, most fearsome looking word is made out of syllables that usually are only 1 to 4 letters each. Whose afraid of four letters?
Kaleidos 3 AND Kaleidos 4 use:
- Punctuation With A Punch
- Acting Out the Parts of Speech
These two resources are both included in the appendix for no additional cost.
Once a week students analyze model sentences from the literature book. They act out the punctuation marks and parts of speech using the instructions in the guide.
Nature Readers

In Kaleidos 4, the Weekly Schedule lists twice weekly readings from the Christian Liberty Nature Readers. Unlike classic literature, the readings start with a small vocabulary and progressively build. The non-fiction reading passages from these widely available and economic readers reinforce phonics.
Fourth grade students whose reading level is more than one grade above their current age may choose to use another non-fiction reading source instead of the nature readers.
The Kaleidos scope and sequence lists keyboarding skills and an indepth experience with Powerpoint as the primary objectives in fourth grade.
Fourth graders who have not had an overview of major software programs (3rd grade) may use those lessons instead. Alternatively, those students who already have a strong grasp of Powerpoint may advance to programs listed in future years. The Instructor's Guide (in the back of the Kaleidos 4 manual) lists all the on-line lessons for the different grades.
Hands On Units
While Kaleidos is not a full hands-on unit study, we embrace the hands-on method of learning and incorporate multi-dimensional strategies in the ten full modules.
In addition, our third and fourth grade curriculum provide suggestions for making a hands-on unit corresponding to the literature books.
The first week of the module, we list a number of ideas that are not specifically scheduled on the weekly lesson plans, so that you can incorporate the ideas when it fits your family's schedule.
Here are the unit study themes:
- Sarah Plain and Tall - Prairie
- Sounder - Dogs or Owls (owls is from the Nature Reader)
- Strawberry Girl - Florida
- Benjamin West and His Cat Grimalkin - Quakers
- Guns for General Washington - Winter in the Revolution
- The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - Maps
- The Corn Grows Ripe - South America
- Jungle Book - Jungles
- Misty of Chincoteague - Ponies and/or Horses
- Old Yeller - Texas
Buy Kaleidos 4
Just the Kaleidos 4 Manual
$12.99 Includes full-year schedule, Instructor's Guide and appendix
Note: The Instructor's Manual is part of the curriculum packages below, so does not need to be purchased separately if you buy the package.
The softcover manual will be shipped to your home.

Download the pdf from your own printer.
Buy The Curriculum Package
The Kaleidos 4 curriculum package contains these four books: Kaleidos Guide, Write On, Syllable Savvy Spelling 4, Level 4 Nature Reader
Note: The Curriculum package above includes only the four curriculum products pictured. It does not include the literature books. These classics are likely available at your library. You may find them locally, including at used book stores. For your convenience, we also have them available below in economical paperback editions.
Buy The Literature Package
The literature package includes the twelve books pictured above. (Old Yeller and Sounder are combined in the first book for a total of 13 stories read.) This package does not include the curriculum guide, writing, spelling, and phonics books which are sold as a package above.
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