Joan of Arc Unit Study
Relive the thirteenth century drama with our Joan of Arc Unit Study.
Based on Mark Twain's Perseonal Recollections of Joan of Arc
Personal Recollections of Joan Of Arc
Our Unit Study Is Based on Mark Twain's Famous Account
There are a number of reasons we use Mark Twain's
Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc as the basis for this unit study.
- It is a well-researched, well-written, spell-binding account of Joan's life by a well-known author.
- It is Twain's best book. (He thought so, and I heartily agree.)
- His masterful use of literary elements makes it a model for great writing, as well as a great-read for engaging history.
Buy Our Joan of Arc Unit Study Guide

Student Guide AND Teacher's Answer Key Included
$2.99 Download - 109 pages
What is in Our Joan of Arc Unit Study Guide?
We Make It Easy
There is a lot of ground to cover in this story, but we make it easy. Students and leaders alike will enjoy the highlights of this guide to get the most of the reading of this book.
Chapter by Chapter Activities
There are a total of 73 chapters in this three part book (don't worry, most are short chapters.)
Each chapter has at least one activity to keep the student focused on the events of that chapter and how it fits the big picture of the book.
Vocabulary Bookmarks

The unique vocabulary bookmarks are a big hit. A standard sheet of paper is folded in thirds to make a bookmarker. The bookmarkers lists the difficult and unfamiliar words in the chapter in the order they appear and gives the definition.
Granted, some think it is best if students go look up the words themselves, but what percentage of students actually do look up every unfamiliar word? They tend to skip them, and miss part of the meaning of the passage.
Comprehension Questions
Our chapter activities include multiple choice and other types of questions. These questions serve several purposes:
- At a minimum, it validates that they read the chapter.
- More important, the comprehension questions often highlight the most significant part of the chapter.
- Very important, questions focus on why key events occurred.
In short, our comprehensive questions help students focus on the meaning of the events as well as the events themselves.

Historical Context
The unit study guide provides several sections of important historical background information. These include snap shots of:
- The Hundred Year Wars
- Royal Family Information
- The Inquisition
- The origin and meaning of the name "Joan of Arc" (Arc was not her last name, nor was she from there.)
Map of Joan of Arc's Life
You understand everything better when you see it on a map. Our map shows the readers where in France her native village of Domremy is located. They can follow her footsteps as she pleads her case to the governor, travels to the king's court, leads her victorious military campaign, and brilliantly answers her accusers in the arena of her imprisonment. For a FREE copy of the map and timeline, click the link in the section below (picture of the timeline.)
Joan of Arc Timeline

Click the image above to get the FREE three page download of map and timeline
The unit study guide provides a leader's timeline of Joan of Arc's life with the dates and events listed. It also provides a student's timeline with only the dates listed.
Literary Elements Come Alive
Of all the books written about Joan, Mark Twain's is perhaps the best written from a literary perspective. Replete with well-crafted descriptions and perceptive comparisons, his writing provides thoughtful examples of the use of sarcasm, irony, and hyperbole. Students are encouraged to search for well-crafted phrases and model several of his descriptions.

Points to Ponder
There is no doubt that Joan was an enigmatic character from history. Sainted by the same church that executed her, considered devout by some and a witch by others, she instilled hope in millions who had none in her day and intrigues believers and non-believers alike in our time.
Her name is equated with sainthood and nationalism. She is a source of inspiration to common people around the world.
Don't just read the book. Consider the importance of Joan's life in her age, and the possible influence she may have had on Western civilization and the world even six centuries later.
Get the Complete Joan of Arc Unit Study Guide

Student Guide AND Teacher's Answer Key Included
$2.99 Download - 109 pages
The complete unit study includes student pages and answer key. It comes with chapter by chapter activities, vocabulary bookmarks, map, timelines and background information to enrich your understanding of this book.