Human Body For Kids
From the MatchCard Science Human Anatomy Unit Study
MatchCard Science Human Anatomy Unit Study provides worksheets and projects on the human body for kids in 3rd to 8th grade. Have fun and learn how the body works.
Free downloads will introduce your students to the different organ systems of the human body. They will enjoy learning about the different systems through projects, demonstrations, and MatchCards.
13 Human Body Worksheets
Cells to Systems in Human Anatomy

MatchCard #1: Describe how human body systems develop from cells.
Read More
The Digestive System

MatchCard #2: Describe the functions of the major parts of the digestive system.
More activities to digest.
Human Teeth and Dental Care

MatchCard #3: Describe the functions of the major structures of the teeth.
Dig your teeth into these lesson plans.
Respiratory System

MatchCard #4: Describe the functions of the major parts of the respiratory system.
Activites on the respiratory system.
The Circulatory System

MatchCard #5: Trace the route of blood through the circulatory system.
Circulate this.
Human Skeleton

MatchCard #6: List the major bones of the human skeleton.
Rattle these bones.
MusculoSkeletal System

MatchCard #7: Explain how muscles and joints work together to allow the body to move.
Move It: Muscles and Joints Lesson.
Renal System

MatchCard #8: Describe the functions of the major parts of the renal system: kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra.
Teaching the Renal System.
Nervous System

MatchCard #9: Describe the functions of the major parts of the nervous system: brain, spinal cord, motor nerves, sensory nerves.
Don't let the nervous system make you nervous..
Eyes and Vision

MatchCard #10: Describe the functions of the 13 parts of the eye.
Eyes have it..
Ears and Hearing

MatchCard #11: Describe the functions of the human ear and how sound conduction allows us to hear.
Hear! Hear! Here's how the ear can hear..

MatchCard #12: Describe the functions of 8 parts of skin.
Skin is in..
Endocrine and Reproductive System

MatchCard #13: Identify six endocrine glands and the hormone they produce.
Hormones in a flash. (Okay, that one was bad.)
MatchCard Science