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- MatchCard Science Curriculum
Homeschool Science Curriculum
MatchCard Science Curriculum Downloads
MatchCard Science materials to help you teach the hands-on homeschool science curriculum that makes learning fun and meaningful.

Free Student MatchCards
Yes, you can make photocopies of your student materials, but its even easier to print it off the computer. This free version includes unit study planning guide (at the front,)
student MatchCards, and
student Information Pieces (at the back).

Light & Energy Unit Study

Weather Unit Study

Force and Motion Unit Study

Geology Unit Study

Oceanography Unit Study

Chemistry Unit Study

Astronomy Unit Study

Botany Unit Study

Zoology Unit Study

Human Anatomy Unit Study

Nutrition, Health and Safety Unit Study

Technology Unit Study

Teaching With MatchCard Science
MatchCard Science provides a complete homeschool science curriculum is 12 units. The 12 units are divided into objectives and each objective has its own MatchCard. The MatchCards are used to teach and review science concepts.
Look what your students get!
- Hands on activites for each concept
- Game-like review with MatchCards to ensure mastery of content
- All the information they need before high school science
- Rewards self-directed learning through the unit study.