Homeschool Language Arts Curriculum

Kid friendly homeschool language arts curriculum, science curriculum, and teaching supplements

Homeschool Language Arts Curriculum


Write On
Write On

Writing is considered the cornerstone of education. That's why colleges and employers often ask for short essays from applicants. Writing demonstrates a person's ability to communicate.

Write On: The Kid Friendly, Mother Pleasing, Gentle Way to Learn to Write does what it says. Step by step it leads parent and child through the writing process, from a simple sentence to a college thesis.

Even more, budding writers develop their own voice and find ejoyable ways to communicate their thoughts and ideas.


Syllable Savvy Spelling
Syllable Savvy Spelling

What makes Syllable Savvy Spelling different from any other spelling workbook?

Syllable Savvy is not a list of spelling words. It is a simple spelling technique that teaches a student to spell any word they encounter.

The work pages list the words phonetically and give the student space to write their word syllable by syllable. Then the student self-corrects each syllable using the third column of the lesson.

Marking each syllable with the number of letters they correctly wrote focuses the student's attention to every single letter. They know immediately if they missed a letter or got it wrong.


The Big Bad Grammar Slammer
The Big Bad Grammar Slammer

Grammar and diagramming is a game with this homeschool grammar curriculum.

Simple, easy-to-do lessons make this program non-intimidating for students in middle school and high school; a real advantage for those who have been burnt out on traditional grammar books.

Clue cards help them visualize the role of the different parts of speech in a sentence. Instead of memorizing grammar vocabulary, they focus on using complex parts of speech to communicate their ideas.

They will be able to write and punctuate the most complex sentences without ever breaking into a sweat.


pencil grips
Pencil Grips

We have two resources for helping improve penmanship and letter formation.

A description of the correct tripod grasp of the pencil and a review of the major pencil grips on the market will help you decide if pencil grips will help improve your students' writing.

pencil grips
Better Letter Primer

The Better Letter Primer is a four step penmanship program that ensures proper letter and number formation and prevents reversals.

Free downloads of the paper and work pages make this an easy way to teach penmanship in the elementary grades.


Reading Confidence Cards
Reading Confidence Cards

This is not a reading curriculum, but a reading supplement for your 5 to 7 year old who is taking those first steps in early reading.

The reading confidence cards will do just what they say: give your student confidence in reading. It is a unique activity that groups words in phonics families and provides them with hands-on activities that help them review.

What makes these cards unique is that it uses the review of high frequency words often associated with sight reading. But arranged by phonic principles, the student gains the advantages of this logical system of learning to read.

A new set of 8 cards is presented each week. The cards have similar sentences and a simple and fun activity to make reading rewarding.

Watch their confidence fly as they read these sentences to you!


Best Literature

Literature is the cherry on the top of your language arts program.

Students practice reading, are exposed to new ideas and cultures, and can enjoy writing about events and ideas they find interesting.

If literature brings back memories of struggling with old tomes you weren't interested in, we have some good news for you. There is so much great literature out there, there is no reason a student shouldn't find classic books that they find exciting to read.

You can start with our list of great classical childrens books. Suggested readings for each group and period of time are provided.

With a library card and list of these books, you can get the education of the elite for no cost.

Homeschool Science

MatchCard Science

Astronomy Unit Study Cover Zoology Unit Study Cover Human Anatomy Unit Study Cover

We just love the MatchCard Science Homeschool Unit Studies and I think you will too. There are a total of 12 different unit studies which include: What makes this program unique? All objectives are covered that students should master before high school. For each objective, there is a MatchCard with corresponding Information Pieces. These are like flashcards and the students put the correct information on the card.

But it is more than just information. Suggested hands-on activities, demonstrations, science experiments and investigations are suggested for each objective.

MatchCard Science can be used as a supplement or as a complete science curriculum. We are currently updating the graphics and adding more information. In the future, this may be available as a computer app.

Meanwhile, download some MatchCards and have some fun exploring the world around us.


High School Theology

Of Faith and Knowledge
Of Faith and Knowledge

This is a four year course of study which introduces students to the best classic and theological books of the Christian faith.

It includes apologetics, New Testament and Old Testament Survey, salvation and redemption, devotion, Church history, evangelism, relationships and many other essential topics.

Each level takes one year to complete and is comprised of the reading of three major works in addition to the apologetical study Evidence that Demands a Verdict.

There is no charge for the download of the curriculum study. All of the books are available through any local or on-line Christian retailer.

Bible Reading

Bible Reading Plans
Bible Reading Plans

Whether you have early readers or teenagers, these five Bible reading plans will enable your students to read through the Bible with right-sized daily readings.

Our primary plan has daily readings of approximately 5 verses a day. Each month a different portion of the Bible is read introducing students to major themes in the Old and New Testaments.

The intermediate plan continues the survey of the Bible, but with readings that are approximately 15 verses a day.

Three different reading plans cover every verse of the Bible:
  • New Testament (and Psalms)
  • Old Testament History
  • Old Testament Writings
These plans include one chapter a day for a year. It would take three years to read through the entire Bible. All three could also be read in one year.

More Homeschool Curriculum For Elementary Ages


Art With A Purpose
Art With A Purpose

Our family has enjoyed using this program produced by Share A Care publications. These delightful art pacs are perfect for homeschool families and follow our philosophy of education.

We have had children who were natural artists and those who were - shall we say "artistically challenged." All of theme benefited from the user-friendly lessons in this program.

Each program has 36 weekly lessons. If you start the first lesson in September and do one less a week you will hit the holidays and seasonal projects at the correct time.

You only need one book per student. I recommend getting an extra for yourself. I can almost guarantee you will have fun doing these projects along with your students.

The link above also lists other art resources, including the popular Drawing Textbook by McIntyre.


baby and globe
Geography Resources

Nope, we aren't advocating starting your baby on world geography just yet. But it is never to soon to get kids familiar with a globe as a part of the daily routine.

We have suggested activities for teaching geography as part of the regular course of study. Globes, maps, sticker books help students visualize the contribution of the land to the events that occured there.


Math Fraction Tiles
Math Manipulatives

Math manipulatives make the abstract concepts learned in mathematics tangible and understandable.

They also happen to be colorful and fun.

We have listed some of the best math manipulatives and the skills they teach. We also have math pages listing the math concepts in the order they are taught and activities for teaching them.

Homeschool Unit Studies

Learning Tree
The Learning Tree

We use the paradigm of a tree to explain how to develop and complete an interactive unit study for your student(s.)

The MatchCard Science unit studies use this model. A complete unit study includes:
  • Trunk - the subject of the unit study
  • Roots - resources used and activities done to learn
  • Branches - knowledge gained
  • Fruit - what the student produces as a result of their learning
Whether you develop your own unit studies, or purchase unit studies already prepared, you will find the Learning Tree model helps your student take ownership of their education.

Ready To Use Resources

Literature Unit Study Box Literature Unit Study Box Literature Unit Study Box

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