The first number (or K for kindergarten) lists the year the skill may be introduced.
Skills should be reinforced throughout the year so competency is achieved the following year. Begin each year by reviewing skills from previous years, or introducing those skills that have not yet been introduced

K Point and click with a mouse.
K Use letter keys, enter key, space bar.
K Write their name.
K Discuss food and drink near the computer.
First Grade
1 Use number keys and shift key.
1 Write two sentences on the keyboard.
1 Select and highlight text.
1 Change font size and color.
1 Print a page.
Second Grade
2 Log in to age appropriate internet programs.
2 Discuss not giving personal information on the computer without parental/guardian supervision.
2 Do an internet search to find the cost of a specific product on several websites.
2 Add graphics to a page.
2 Experiment with Word Art.
Third Grade
3 Write a paragraph.
3 Save a document, re-open, and edit it.
3 Use tab and escape key.
3 Use symbols on the numeric keys.
3 Rearrange graphs and print on a text. Use different size fonts in one document.
3 Make a Powerpoint presentation of five to ten slides.
3 Use the spell checker.
3 Do an internet search for specific facts.
3 Discuss what personal facts you do not want others to find about you on the internet.
3 Email and reply to emails from a friend/relative.
Fourth Grade
4 Organize documents in folders.
4 Make Excel charts.
4 Add graphics and experiment with backgrounds on Powerpoint.
4 Perform an internet search for information for a report.
4 Evaluate information obtained on the internet.
4 Compare 3 websites on the same topic for quality of information.
4 Document references from the internet at the end of a report.
4 Discuss dangers of meeting strangers on the internet.
Fifth Grade
5 Add animation and sound to Powerpoint.
5 Upload pictures to the computer.
5 Scan documents into the computer.
5 Make tables in a word processing document.
5 Analyze impact of others learning/using your passwords.
Sixth Grade
6 Discuss copyright laws and plagarism.
6 Get map directions from the internet.
6 Discuss sexual predators luring children/youth through the internet.
6 Gather information from government websites.
6 With supervision, gain experience ordering products and filling out information boxes on-line.
This scope and sequence for homeschool computer skills is a starting point for introducing safe and judicious use of computers to your student.
Download our worksheet on computers from the MatchCard Science Technology Unit Study.