5 things you need for a complete homeschool chemistry course
The MatchCard Science Chemistry Unit Study provides all the information listed above and more. It's twelve objectives include:
Molymod does have a student set of 52 pieces that allows students to make molecules of the following:
Elementeo is a commercially available board game that combines chemistry and alchemy in a strategy game that is somewhat like Chess (though I'm sure true Chess champions might take exception to that.)
Elementeo teaches common elements and basic chenistry concepts in a Chess-like strategy game
Elementeo Cards Are Characters Based On Elements
A lapbook is the perfect finale for your homeschool chemistry study - particulary for your artistic students. Lapbooks allow students to manipulate, color, and arrange textbook content in a way that is unique to them. It is a precursor to note-taking and outlining.
MatchCards make science concepts and corresponding vocabulary interactive. As students move the information pieces on the MatchCards they review the material they have already learned.
Your budding astronomers will learn how to track the great celestial bodies across the night sky. From the sun and moon, to stars and galaxies, worlds of wonder are waiting to be explored.
By Karen Newell Copyright© 2009 - 2025 Learn For Your Life All Rights Reserved