Hobbit Vocabulary
Vocabulary lists for The Hobbit
The Hobbit Vocabulary Word lists are included in the unit study. Information below.
Chapter 1
- Laburnum - family of small trees
- Prosy - (connotation in this chapter) - words like the prose or writing in a book
- Scuttled - trot quickly
- Depredation - robbery
- Bewilder - confuse
- Flummox - confuse
- Wrought - make (often refers to metal)
- Delve - dug (archaic past tense of dive)
- Conspirator - person involved in a conspiracy
- Conspiracy - secret plot
- Audacious - bold
- Ingenious - clever, showing signs of genius
- Solemn - serious
- Estimable - held in esteem
- Expedition - journey with a purpose
- Obstinately - stubborn
- Remuneration - payment
Chapter 2
- Defray - payed for, covered expense
- Esteemed - valued
- Repose - sleep
- Requisite - something needed, required
- Trifle - small, unimportant
- Paraphernalia - miscellaneous personal belongings
- Inquisitive - curious
- Cavalcade - a procession of travelers, usually in vehicles
- Purloin - steal
- Row - fight
- Incantations - spells
- Larder - pantry, food storage
- Scanty - small or scant amount
Chapter 3
- Palpitate - rapid heart beat
- Venerable - highly honored
- Vexed - annoyed
- Kin - relatives
Chapter 5
- Gall - cause bitterness
- Menacingly - dangerously
- Splayed - expand; spread out fingers or toes
- Incline - floor or surface tilted upward
- Scuttle - run with short, fast steps
Chapter 6
- Dell - dale or valley
- Abominable - hateful, very unpleasant
- Benighted - overtaken by darkness of night
- Bracken - ferns and shrubs
- Fronds - palm-like ferns
- Keener - sharper
- Porter - person who carries baggage
- Clamour - (clamor) noisy outcry
- Commotion - uproar
- Uncanny - supernatural
- Reek - nasty smell
- Vain - with no effect, uselessly
Chapter 7
- Appalling - causing dismay or fear
- Furrier - someone who makes furs
- Eaves - overhanging edge (often of trees or roofs)
- Impeach - bring accusation against
- Unimpeachable - so honorable that no accusations could be brought or believed
- Veranda - porch
- Gnarled - twisted
Chapter 8
- Inquisitive - curious
- Uncanny - unnatural
- Taut - tight
- Lamenting - crying about
- Vex - annoy
- Hart - male deer
- Tuppence - two pennies
- Abominable - hateful, unpleasant
- Infuriate - make very angry
- Twilight - dusk
- Gloaming - twilight, dusk
Chapter 9
- Scuttle - a short, quick pace, trot
- Hewn - past participle of hew, cut by ax
- Grimly - sternly, seriously
- Surly - rude, bad mood
- Clamour - loud noise
- Reveal - tell
- Portcullis - a grated gate that raises and lowers
- Throve - past participle of thrive, grew
- Flagon - pitcher with spout, often for wine
- Nimble - quick, light movement
- Snivel - sniff from a runny nose
- Tumult - noisy outbreak
- Yew - evergreen wood; often used for making bows
- Obliged - in debt to, have a duty to
- Famished - very hungry
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- Vocabulary Word Lists
- Analysis Symbolism, Themes, Genre
- Middle Earth Runes and worksheets to translate
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