Hobbit Runes Worksheet
Use the Runes Alphabet to translate the different messages in our Hobbit Unit Study
The runes alphabet pictured above is derived from information found in the text of
The Hobbit. Tolkien provides this information in his Note before Chapter 1.
- All letters except "x" are included on the two messages on Thror's map.
- I and J are the same
- U and V are the same
- CW is used for "Q"
Using this Hobbit Rune Alphabet, the students can participate activities that follow.
Chapter 1 Runes: The Secret Passage
Because this passage is a little hard to translate, we give the students the translation, "Five feet high the door and three may walk abreast." With those runes, and the rune alphabet worksheet, the students become familiar with the rune writing in
The Hobbit.
Chapters 2 & 3 Runes: The Moon Runes
In Chapter 3, Elrond translates the mysterious prophecy that can only be read by the same moon in which they were written.
We have made the rune reading exercise a little more challenging. Since we
gave them the answer for the first rune message, this one they have to decipher for themselves.
At the end of Chapter 2, they will decipher the longer Moon Rune Message. Since the paperback books most students are reading from has a crease down the middle, we have a reprint of the runes (like the picture above) for the students to use.
History of Runes
So what is the history of runes? Did Tolkien invent them, like he did so much of Middle Earth?
The answer is no. In the unit study, students get a quick overview of runes:
- Developed by the ancient Germans
- Very thin letters with few curves
- Carved into wood, metal, or stone.
Hands On Activity
Carve Your Name in Runes
To understand the nature of thinly carved runes, students can practice carving Hobbit runes with a toothpick into a bar of soap.
It goes without saying, they need to translate their name into official Middle Earth Runes prior to their carving.
Baggins in Runes
Speaking of writing your name in runes, this is an opportunity for them to translate the Hobbit Runes listed on the vocabulary lists included in the unit study. It is easy to read "hobbit" on the left, but the words on the right might be a little trickier. Once you realize that their "G" looks like our "X" it becomes quite easy to distinguish the name of Baggins on the top of the paper.
Chapter 7: Gandalf's Warning
Readers get a little more rune practice in Chapter 7 when they translate Gandalf's warning from rune to English.
For those of you who aren't adept at reading runes yet, it says, "Don't leave the path." There is, of course, an entire discussion regarding what would have happened if they HAD followed Gandalf's advice, but that's included with discussion questions, not rune practice.
Symbols in the Hobbit
What better way to practice rune reading than our final summary. This Hobbit Rune Worksheet has the students translate the seven different symbols they have studied in the hobbit (ring, sword, hobbits, treasure hoard, etc.) with the concept they represent.
More Hobbit Runes
The text of
The Hobbit provides a few more opportunities for rune reading:
- The Compass Rose on Thror's map is in runes
- The Front Note before Chapter One has another message for us: The Hobbit or There and Back Again
(This information might be useful in Chapter 19 when trying to analyze who was the outer frame narrator.)
Finally, those who chose to do the Artist's Challenge in Chapter 12 can incorporate Hobbit Runes into their art project.
What Else Is in the Hobbit Unit Study Guide?
Our 136 page unit study includes:
- Multiple Choice, Discussion, and Essay Questions
- Vocabulary Word Lists
- Analysis Symbolism, Themes, Genre
- Middle Earth Runes and worksheets to translate
- Projects and fun activities
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Student Study Guide AND Teacher's Answer Key Included
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The Hobbit Pages
All of our Hobbit pages at a glance
The Hobbit Unit Study
Full 136 page unit study for grades 6 - 10.
The Hobbit Analysis
Uncover the symbolism, themes, and genres in The Hobbit
Vocabulary words and definitions for every chapter
The Dwarves
Use our puzzle and worksheet to learn the 13 dwarves.
Point of View
Find the POV of the inner and outer frames in the narrative.