Herbivore Carnivore Omnivores

Learn the difference between the herbivore, carnivore, and omnivore jaw and teeth with our worksheet.

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Herbivore Carnivore Omnivore Worksheet
Zoology Unit Study

MatchCard Science Herbivore Carnivore Omnivore Worksheet

Objective: Describe the difference in the teeth of carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

MatchCard: Download below.

The diagram shows the difference in the jaw and teeth of carnivores and herbivores. MatchCard Information Pieces are placed in the correct location on the diagrams. .

Download and Use the Herbivores, Carnivores, and Omnivores MatchCard

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This is MatchCard #7 of the Zoology Unit Study. Find more information on MatchCard Science below.

Opening Activity

Carnivore Skull and Herbivore Skull

Put out different types of food for the student(s) to compare. Examples might include:

Ask what type of animal might eat this food. What kind of teeth would they need?

After this activity, show the Herbivore, Carnivore, Omnivore MatchCard.

Learn About Carnivores

Carnivore Definition

A carnivore is a meat-eater.

They usually hunt and kill their food before eating it. Their teeth and jaws make hunting and devouring meat possible. Other parts of their anatomy will also assist them.

Students learned in Zoology #6 Food Chain MatchCard that carnivores are secondary consumers.

Carnivore Skulls


The canines are large sharp teeth that enable a carnivore to bite and skill their prey.

Carnivore Incisors

The incisors are the sharp fangs that allow the animal to dig their teeth into the flesh and tear bits off.


The carnassials are towards the back of the jaw and allow the animal to cut and scrape the meat into smaller pieces.


The jaw of a carnivore moves up and down.

Learn About Herbivores

Herbivore Definition

A herbivore is a plant eater. Usually, the plants are part of the animals environment so the animal does spend as much time looking for food.

Students learned in MatchCard #6 (link above) that herbivores are primary consumers and the plants they eat are the producers in the food chain.

Herbivore Skulls

Herbivore Incisors

Herbivores also have incisors at the front of their mouth to allow them to bite into food. The shape is determined by what type of food they usually eat.


The diastema is a hollow area in the herbivores oral cavity that allows it to hold the food when it is not being chewed. Sounds kind of rude, doesn't it?

Herbivore Jaw

The herbivore jaw moves in a side to side motion as it grinds its food.

Learn About Omnivores

Omnivore Definition

The omnivore eats both plants and animals. Some examples of omnivores include: Ouch! Who wants to be included in the same list as pigs and bears.

Omnivore Skulls

In general, omnivores have sharper front teeth than herbivores and flatter molars than carnivores.

Their jaws move both up and down and from side to side.

They are often scavengers in addition to or instead of hunting for their food. They often eat animals that are already dead (instead of killing it themselves.)

Whoa! That isn't getting any more complimentary either!


Students were previously exposed to the terms carnivores and herbivores. Let's look at the word "omnivore".

Other terms with the suffix "omni" include omnipresent (everywhere) and omniscient (all-knowing.)

And now there's Omnivore - "Hey, he'll eat ANYTHING!"

Hands-On Activities

Or Should We Say "Teeth On" Activities?

Using Your Chompers

Run your finger over your own teeth. Can you tell which are: Have a snack or meal and see how you use your different teeth.

Say Cheese

After learning about the difference between the teeth of the different types of animals, it's a good idea to take a field trip and check out some of those pretty front teeth. Obviously, we don't want to be sticking our hands in the teeth of bears to check out their incisors. But do take whatever opportunity you can to check out those big front teeth of any animal you can.

Take your camera and see how many of the toothy grins you can capture.

check box

Interested in HUMAN teeth?
Check out human tooth model and worksheet to learn about the different layers of teeth.

MatchCard Science

How To Use MatchCards


MatchCards make science concepts and corresponding vocabulary interactive. As students move the information pieces on the MatchCards they review the material they have already learned.

Download the FREE MatchCard Science Instructor's Guide and see how MatchCards can make building their science knowledge base fun.

Zoology Unit Study

Zoology Unit Study Cover

From microscopic protozoa to elephants and whales, learn more about the animals on this planet with the MatchCard Science Zoology Unit Study.

There are a total of thirteen zoology objectives and MatchCards for this unit which will take 6 to 8 weeks to complete.

12 Science Unit Studies

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Chemistry is only one of twelve complete unit studies for kids in 3rd to 8th grade.

Comprehensive objectives, hands-on projects, suggested science fair experiments, and the fun game-like MatchCards keep them interested in learning science. See all twelve MatchCard Science Unit Studies.

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