The Better Letter Primer
Watch writing skills grow with practice.
Better Letter Primer is a unique handwriting program which promotes proper letter formation. Program features include:
- Four simple steps to improved letter formation and penmanship.
- Letters are arranged in 8 different groups with other similar letters.
- Numbers are arranged in 3 different groups according to the initial direction of the pen stroke.
- One on one coaching perfects students handwriting.

Free Handwriting Paper Below
Step One - Writing Direction
Teach Left to Right Writing
The first step in correct handwriting is orientation to
Left to Right Writing (abbreviated
Students are taught that they write LEFT to RIGHT when forming
sentences. They also need to become aware that the
majority of letters are also formed in the LEFT to RIGHT direction as well.
L2RW is taught and reinforced using multiple activities including 3-D manipulatives, flashcards, and writing tools.
Kindergarten and First Grade
L2RW is taught in kindergarten and reinforced as needed in subsequent grades. At the same time, students are usually learning the letters of the alphabet and the way they are combined to make words.
Better Letter Primer differs from other handwriting programs by the grouping and order of letters. The
order that letters are taught is according to their shapes. Most programs teach the most commonly used letters first; the least used letters last; and the others in the middle.
The approach of teaching letters and their phonic sounds in the order of their use is logical. In fact, it is more logical than teaching them in the order used in our program.
The Better Letter Primer is most effective in
reviewing letters and teaching letter formation. It assumes the student already has some familiarity with the letters and their sounds. These essential alphabet skills are not taught in this program.
2nd Grade and Above
It is often assumed that students have mastered L2RW by the time they reach second grade. That assumption is the cause of many students' letter and number reversals.
Think about it. We assume they made the correlation between L2RW of most letters simply because they learned L2RW of sentences.
But maybe they didn't.
Many of the letters have exceptions. Yes, the correct strokes were taught in kindergarten and earlier. But they were so busy learning all of the those strange letters and their different sounds. Not to mention the digits and the mathematical concepts they represent.
It's a big assumption to think they mastered L2RW and recognized the exceptions.
So, we have a technique described below to teach, review, and master L2RW of letters.
The Story of Left to Right Writing
Use the blank handwriting practice sheets download at the bottom of this page. You may also use any other handwriting paper you prefer.
Right Handed Students
Demonstrate sitting in front of the writing paper (landscape orientation) in front of you with each hand at the opposite upper corners of the page. Your thumbs should be sticking out, close to 90% from the angle of the rest of the fingers. Have the student do the same.
Ask: which hand makes an "L"? This is your left hand. Do you see where your hand is at the top of the left side of the page. This is home.
Which hand do you write with? This is your right hand. You write with the right. (Feel free to explain synonyms and left-handedness if you choose at this point.)
When you write, your right hand goes right to the other side of the page. This is the writing direction.
Your left hand gets left at home. When you write, the right hand moves away from the left.
Left Handed Students
Demonstrate sitting in front of the writing paper (landscape orientation) in front of you with each hand at the opposite upper corners of the page. Your thumbs should be sticking out, close to 90% from the angle of the rest of the fingers. Have the student do the same.
Ask: which hand makes an "L"? This is your left hand. Do you see where your hand is at the top of the left side of the page. This is home.
You write with your left hand because you are left-handed. When you write, your left hand leaves home, and writes towards the right.
Your left hand is friends with your right hand and wants to go to visit.
Blank Handwriting Practice Sheets
You can use these downloads of handwriting practice sheets to practice Left To Right Writing (L2RW.)

This will take you to the download page for your free handwriting practice sheets.
These blank handwriting practice sheets can also be used for practicing any writing for kindergarten students.
L2RW Practice
If the student does not know how to write his/her name, teach the first name now.
If the student does know how to write their name, have them print it, paying attention to how their hands follow the instructions above.
Letter Formation
Explain that in addition to your hands, MOST letters also follow the L2RW direction. There are a FEW letters that like to head back home, but we will learn about these later in
Step Two: 8 Letter Groups.
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