by Hannah Pryor, age 15
(St Petersburg Florida USA)
"My friend, I take it you've heard the news?"
"Ahh! Indeed I have Charles, and its dreadful in my opinion." Vlad replied.
"You don't consider her punishment justly deserved?"
"Friend, I cannot but help believe her innocence."
"Our Queen, the former waiting lady of our poor Catherine of Aragon, will be beheaded and I cannot see why you would object. She was pregnant at her wedding for heaven's sake!"
"It is a commonly known fact, Charles,that King Henry is...shall we say in the habit of not being denied certain...affectionate gestures from a lady? Was not our dear Queen's sister his mistress for nigh about seven years or longer?"
"Too true, and Anne Boleyn has suffered for it, let me assure you. But no lustful habit of the king or unfortunate family affair will deter me from my opinion."
"What was she condemned for?"
"Unfaithfulness to the king, did you expect anything else from her?"
"My friend, a hundred such pious and faithful women have been tried with the same crime, found guilty by a sinful king, and innocent by an Almighty God."
"The facts still stand, and look there she is! Why her face is calm, no fear is in her eyes and her cheeks show no traces of tears."
"She has no shame my friend,for she knows she must die and into the arms of her savior go. God have mercy on her soul."
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