FREE student MatchCards at the bottom of this page.
Here are the objectives for your Geology unit study.
1. Compare rocks and minerals.
2. Describe the location and consistency of the earth's layers.
3. Explain the effect of weathering on the earth's surface.
4. Identify the three main groups of rocks and tell how they are formed.
5. Apply Mohs' test to identify the hardness of minerals.
6. Describe other tests for analyzing minerals.
7. Explain the formation of different types of mountains.
8. Identify the parts of a volcano.
9. Evaluate the impact of waves in an earthquake.
The Matchcards are great for teaching and reinforcing the objectives. There is one MatchCard for each of the objectives listed above.
The MatchCard Unit Study gives you:
Every week you will use the corresponding MatchCard to teach the objective. In addition, the students review 5 previously learned MatchCards two or three times per week. This game-like activity is a favorite activity of many students. The Instructor's Guide gives you more ideas on organizing and using the MatchCards.
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All student materials are included in each of the paid formats. For your convenience here is a list of all free MatchCard Science curriculum downloads.
By Karen Newell Copyright© 2009 - 2025 Learn For Your Life All Rights Reserved