Force and Motion Worksheets
Force and Motion Activities and Worksheets for Kids in 3rd to 7th Grade
It's a forceful subject that will keep them moving. Use the Force and Motion worksheets from MatchCard Science to introduce basic information, spring-board into projects and experiments, and review content they have learned.
Seven Force and Motion Worksheets
Ever met a kid who didn't like to move? Since motion is a favorite thing to do, let's make it a fun thing to learn about. Eight different objectives will gently introduce the laws of physics and motion.
Simple Machines

MatchCard #1: Identify six simple machines and describe their uses.
Force and Motion Activities: Practice using the six simple machines.
Read More: 6 Simple Machines
Mass and Weight

MatchCard #2: Compare mass and weight.
Force and Motion Activities: Practice using scales that measure weight and those that measure mass. Make a balance scale. Find out if air has mass.
Weigh in on the subject: What is the difference between mass and weight?
Friction and Inertia

MatchCard #3 & 4: Demonstrate the effects of friction and inertia.
Force and Motion Activities: Skate, slide, and scrape your way to understanding friction. Pull an old card trick on inertia.
Hope this doesn't rub you the wrong way: Friction and Inertia
Effects of Gravity

MatchCard #5: Describe three effects of gravity.
Force and Motion Activities: Does gravity make heavier objects fall faster? Do some tricks with the center of gravity.
A grave subject: Gravity on earth and in space
Speed and Velocity and Momentum and Acceleration

MatchCard #6: Define speed, velocity, momentum, and acceleration.
Force and Motion Activities: Start with toy cars and progress to amusement park rides.
Get up to speed: Velocity, Momentum, and Acceleration
Newtons Three Laws

MatchCard #7: Explain Newton's three laws and give examples.
Force and Motion Activities: Play ball! Marbles, croquet, soccer, baseball - sportsmen use the 3 Laws to win.
Read More:Newtons 3 Laws
Newtons, Joules, and Watts

MatchCard #8: Define force, newton, joule, and watts.
Force and Motion Activities: Build a catapult. Watch that meter and read the bill.
Watts that? Newtons, Joules, and Watts.
MatchCard Science