Fellowship of the Ring Vocabulary
The Fellowship of the Ring Vocabulary Words are listed by chapter in the order they appear in the text.
Features of our vocabulary word lists:
- Includes vocabulary words and their definitions
- Printed in three-columns to be used as convenient bookmarks
- Words appear in the order they are found in the text
- Included with our The Fellowship of the Ring Unit Study (more information below)
- Unit study includes words for Books 1 and 2 of The Fellowship of the Ring
Chapter 1
Conjuror (or conjurer): wizard or someone who practice magical arts
Rumour (or rumor) - opinion or suspicion repeated among others
Nigh - near
Gape - stare with mouth open
Prostrate - lie flat on one’s face
Provender - food
Inevitable - an event that will necessarily occur
Liable - likely
Allude - refer to indirectly
Impromptu - unplanned, on the spot
Obstinate - stubborn
Imminent - about to happen immediately
Wrath - anger
Din - unpleasant noise
Ruefully - sadly
Belated - (adjective) late
Abominable - very unlikable
Chapter 2
- Careworn - worn down by worry
- Vigour (or vigor) - strong and active
- Potent - strong, powerful
- Essays - a first attempt or trial at making something
- Province - area (Often it is used as aa political area with boundaries, but in this connotation is it an area of knowledge.)
- Allay - reduce or relieve
- Obscure - uncommon
- Grievous - filled with frief
- Peril - danger
- Bristled - ruffled
- Quavering - shaking
- Wraith - ghost or shadow
- Wrought - made (often refers to metal)
- Estranged - separated by hostility
- Valour - bravery
- Vain - (this connotation) unsuccessful or useless
- Inquisitive - asks questions, curious
- Cunning - clever
- Furtive - secret
- Dither - indecisive, uncertain
Chapter 3
- Savour - literally: to taste
- Coppice - bushy trees sprouting from the base of a trunk
- Frugal - poor
- Absurd - ridiculous
- Tussock - grass in a marsh
- Ere - before
Chapter 4
- Prospect - possibility
- Reluctant -hesitant, opposite of eager
- Stout - broad, strong
- Varmint - pest
Chapter 5
- Bollard - a thick post along a wharf
- Conspiracy - secret plot
- Intrigue - arouse interest
- Scrupulous - careful to follow rules
- Parole - under custody of legal authorities
Chapter 6
- Spinney - thicket of trees
- Ominous - dangerous, foreboding
- Enmity - hostility
- Abominable - extremely disagreeable, disliked
- Relent - give in, become less stubborn
- Hinder - impede, hold back
- Unhindered - not held back
- Rousing - loud, exciting
- Menace - something that is threatening
- Hoary - white or gray from aging
- Barrow - mound, rounded hill
- Downs - rolling hills
Chapter 7
- Cunning - crafty, in this connotation scheming
- Meddling - interfering where one does not belong
- Wight - living creature
Chapter 8
- Lank - thin and straight
- Brooch - Jewelry pinned to the shoulder
- Damask - may refer to patterns on Damascus steel or damask stencil used on cloth
Chapter 9
- Ranger - one who patrols an area or range
- Dike - ditch or embankment used for control of water
- Causeway - raised road, usually over water or wet ground
- Inquisitive - curious, questioning
- Resort - a place where people stay or rest
- Babel - indistinguishable, noisy sound
- Veiled -covered, masked Tankard - large drinking mug
- Supple - flexible, soft
- Wry - not straight (in this connotation, a half smile)
- Caper - skip or leap
- Perturb - annoy
- Uncanny - out of the ordinary, mysterious
- Amiss - out of order
Chapter 10
- Rogue - tramp, scoundrel (negative connotation)
- Wary - cautious, nervous, alert to danger
- Vagabond - traveler with no home
- Swarthy - dark complexion
- Trodden - past participle of trod or walk
- Wavering - indecisive, fluctuating between two choices without deciding
- Pate - head
- Daunt - intimidate, frighten
- Dubious - doubtful, uncertain
- Clutch - hold onto with both hands, grasp
Chapter 11
- Bolsters - firm pillows
- Draught - draught horse or draft horse is a pack carrier
- Dejected - depressed, dispirited
- Sallow - yellowish gray color
- Quagmire - soft, marsh-like ground
- Midge - tiny fly-like insect
- Tussock - compact plants or grass causing raised area in a marsh
- Undulating - wave-like shape or movement
- Dell - bowl-shaped or hollow round valley
- Concealment - hiding place
- Cairn - memorial made of pile of stones
- Bar - (this usage as preposition) except, excluding
- Swoon - faint, pass out
Chapter 12
- Ford - a shallow area of a river that is easier to cross
- Inaudible - unable to be heard
- Ominous - dangerous, threatening
What Else Is On Our Unit Study?
- Chapter by Chapter activites
- Reading, discussion, and debate questions
- Writing Activities
- Two new maps of Middle Earth
- Vocabulary words for Books 1 and 2
- Literary analysis including 15 literary terms
- And more!
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Fellowship of the Ring Pages at a Glance
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Two new maps of Middle Earth and suggestions for other geography resources
Great quotes that reveal the personality of some of the characters
3 quizzes from the unit study that are printed separately for convenience