Fellowship of the Ring Quotes
Great quotes from "The Fellowship of the Ring" from our literary unit study
Quotes About Destiny
Destiny (or fate, or providence) vs free will is one of the themes of "The Fellowship of the Ring." Here are a few of the quotes students' investigate in the unit study.
- Gandalf to Frodo: I can put it no plainer than by saying Bilbo was meant to find the ring, and not by its maker.
- Gandalf to Frodo: Over me the Ring would gain a power still greater and more deadly.
- From the Gaffer: “Don’t go getting mixed up in the business of your betters or you’ll land in trouble too big for you,” I says to him.
- Elrond to Frodo: You will meet many foes, some open and some disguised; and you may find friends upon your way when you least look for it.
- Gandalf about Saruman: His knowledge is deep, but his pride has grown with it, and he takes ill any meddling.
- Aragorn to Frodo: I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn. And if by life or death I can save you, I will.
- Gandalf to Frodo: Yes, fortune or fate have helped you, not to mention courage.
- Celeborn to the company: We have come now to the edge of doom.
- Galadriel to Gimli: But if hope should not fail, then I say to you, Gimli, son of Gloin, that your hands shall flow with gold, and yet over you gold shall have no dominion.
Quotes From Boromir
Fellowship of the Ring: Book 2 - Chapter 10
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These quotes show Boromir's descent from good intentions (wanting to save his own people) to bad intentions (wanting to kill all hobbits) due to the temptation of the ring of power.
Student Activity for Chapter 10: (written solo activity or group oral activity) - Indicate when his attitude starts getting bad. When does it get worse?
- We (of Minas Tirith) do not desire the power of wizard-lords, only the strength to defend ourselves.
- It is a gift, I say; a gift to the foes of Mordor. It is mad not use it, to use the
power of the Enemy against him.
- The fearless, the ruthless, these alone will achieve victory.
- What could not a warrior do in this hour, a great leader?
- What could not Aragorn do? Or if he refuses, why not Boromir?
- The Ring would give me power of Command. How I would drive the hosts or Mordor and all men would flock to my banner.
- He drew plans for great alliances and glorious victories to be; and he cast down Mordor, and became himself a mighty king, benevolent and wise.
- If any mortals have claim to the Ring, it is the men of Numenor and not halflings.
- It is not yours save by unhappy chance. It might have been mine. It should be mine. Give it to me!
- Curse you and all halflings to death and to darkness.
Quotes From Sam
Fellowship of the Ring: Book 2 - Chapter 7
Sam is the humble hero of "The Lord of the Rings." These quotes, all from Chapter 7 of Book 2 of "The Fellowship of the Ring" allows the reader to analyze his personality. Sam frequently downgrades his own statements with such caveats as "if you get my meaning." But in reality, he makes some of the most profound observations.
- ...asking me what I would do if she gave me the chance of flying back home to the Shire to a nice little hole with - with a bit of garden of my own
- Whether they’ve made the land, or the land’s made them is hard to say, if you take my meaning
- If there’s any magic about, it’s right down deep, where I can’t lay my hands on it, in a manner of speaking
- I fancy now that she could do some wonderful things, if she had a mind.
- It’s like being at home and on a holiday at the same time, if you understand me.
- And I don’t reckon that these folk can do much more to help us, magic or no.
- I’ll have a peep, Lady, if you’re willing.
- If you do have another go, I hope you’ll say a word about his fireworks.
Quotes With Imagery
One needs to read Tolkien's work out loud to get the best sense of his power of descriptions.
Here are a few of the quotes used as model sentences for students to develop their own descriptive sentences.
- The night was railing against the morning of which it was bereaved, and the cold was cursing the warmth for which it hungered. (My favorite)
- Everything looked fresh, and the new green of spring was shimmering in the fields and on the tips of the trees’ fingers.
- The Shire had seldom seen so fair a summer, or so rich an autumn: the trees were laden with apples, honey was dripping in the combs, and the corn was tall and full.
- The leaves of trees were glistening, and every twig was dripping; the grass was grey with cold dew.
- Each step forward became more reluctant than the last. Sleepiness seemed to be creeping out of the ground and up their legs, and falling softly out of the air upon their heads and eyes. Frodo felt his chin go down and his head nod.
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Fellowship of the Ring Pages at a Glance
All the pages are listed here for your convenience.
Two new maps of Middle Earth and suggestions for other geography resources
Vocabulary words and definitions for every chapter
3 quizzes from the unit study that are printed separately for convenience