Exercise Vs Relaxation
Compare the benefits of exercise and relaxation.
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Exercise and Relaxation Worksheet
Objective: Compare the benefits of exercise and relaxation.
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MatchCard Information Pieces list the benefits of relaxation and the benefits of exercise. Students place the information pieces in the correct location on the Venn diagram.
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This is MatchCard #6 of the Nutrition, Health, and Safety Unit Study. Find more information on MatchCard Science below.
Learning Activities
Memory Checker
Use playing cards or other random numbers to create a list of 10 random digits. Have the student memorize the list. Time how long it takes them to memorize it.
Do some form of physical exercise, preferably outdoors. It can be running, jump rope, jumping jacks or other activity that increases the heart and respiratory rate.
After the student comes back inside and the heart rate has started to slow, do the number-memory activity again, but this time with a different set of 10 digits. Time how long it takes for them to memorize the digits after exercise. It should take less time.
Why does exerecise improve memory and learning? The increased activity increases blood flow to the brain.
Try this activity again on a night when the kids have stayed up late. It usually takes them longer to learn when they are tired.
Brainstorming Session
Before discussing any of the items in the activity below, Ways to Relax, have your students do a five minute brainstorm session. List all the ways they can think of to exercise. Then another five minutes to think of all the ways to relax. Compare their lists.
Stages of Sleep
There are different stages of sleep. Many people are familiar with REM (rapid eye movement) sleep which is when dreams often occur. Non-REM sleep is dividing into four different phases. If you have a dog or a baby in your house, observe them sleeping. Notice muscle movements and breathing patterns during their sleep.
Burn Baby Burn
Look up how many calories are burned during your child’s favorite sport or other form of physical exercise.
Make It Perrsonal
Keep track of how much time you spend resting and exercising for one week.
Relaxation For Kids
Ways to Relax
- Sleeping, napping, or sitting quietly
- Listen to soothing music. Notice how music effects mood.
- A bubble bath. Yes, it works for kids and adults.
- Listening to the sounds of nature. Focus on the different birds and different sounds.
- Meditation: practiced by religious and non-religious individuals. Consider how they are similar and different.
- Massage; including a back rub or hand massage.
- Watching and listening to a fire. Candles have the same effect but smaller.
- Slow, deep breathing. Compare the phrases “a sigh of relief” and “hold your breath.”
- Yawning. Imitate a cat. Try to yawn and stretch all the muscles in your arms, back, and neck.
- Shake your arms and legs as fast as you can - like a wet dog.
- Blow bubbles together.
- Wade in water or soak your feet in warm, scented water.
- Turkey and Lavender Oil: both have serotonin which promotes relaxation.