Some states require parents to submit a list of educational objectives for homeschool students each year. Our template can be modified by any family writing their educational objectives.
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Goals or Objectives?
There is a difference between educational goals and objectives. Goals are broad statements indicating what the educational experience should accomplish. An objective is a measurable behavior the student should perform to indicate the education was successful.
Click here for a greater comparison of educational goals and objectives.
It may be helpful to modify this basic outline of educational objectives for homeschool for your own program and save it in a word processing program. It would take only minutes a year to update it, according to the program planned for the next year.
Words written in italic need to be individualized for your student's program.
Language Objectives

Spell words correctly from
5th Grade Spelling Manual.
Read fluently from grade appropriate literature including:
list books
Answer comprehension questions about passages read.
Develop legible penmanship.
Identify parts of speech and their role in sentences.
sentences, paragraphs, essays, book reports, creative writing, letters, research papers.
Demonstrate correct punctuation and mechanics in written work.
Identify the correct use of vocabulary words.
Maintain a written log of reading materials they have selected.
Deliver fluent oral presentations.
Math Objectives

Identify the following:
- Whole numbers to twenty, hundred, thousand, million, billion
- Geometric shapes
- Ordinal and cardinal numbers
- Roman Numerals
- temperature
- time
- liquid and dry measurements
- length and height
- weight
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide with:
- word problems
- single digits, double digits, place value to hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions, billions
- use of number lines
- fractions
- decimals
- money
- linear measurements including meters, centimeters, inches, feet, miles
- dry and liquid measurements liter, mililiters, cubic centimeters, teaspoons, cups, pints, gallons
- graphs and charts
- area, perimeter, radius, diameter, circumference
- negative numbers
Solve algebraic problems with:
- polynomial equations
- positive and negative numbers
- exponents
- roots
- absolute value
- rational expressions
- quadratic equations
- exponential growth
- statistics and probability
- logarithms and antilogarithms
- vectors
- graphs and coordinates
- word problems
Solve geometry problems with:
- Pythagorean's theorem
- measurement of angles
- geometric proofs
- intersecting lines
- triangles and quadrilaterals
- volume, area, and surface area
Solve trigonometry problems using:
- trigonometric functions
- inverse functions
- identities
- graphs
- word problems
Science Objectives

The following units will be studied:
list the chapters or units planned.
Identify vocabulary terms and key concepts.
Explain the cause and effect of scientific phenomenon for each unit studied.
Maintain a log of related experiments and observations performed.
Analyze the application of the scientific process in each area of study.
Pass unit tests with a score of
80% or higher.
Social Studies Objectives

The following units will be studied
list the chapters or units planned.
Evaluate the influence of key historical figures for each unit.
List major events chronologically.
Describe how subsequent society was changed by events of this era.
Locate geographic areas on a map or globe.
Assess the effect of geological location on the culture and history.
Pass unit tests with a score of
80% or higher.
Physical Fitness
Identify rules of
list sports to be studied.
Demonstrate enhanced performance and sportsmanship through practice.
Keep a log of physical activities participated in.
Art and Music

Create artistic works using a variety of media including
Evaluate the works of famous artists and composers including:
Play progressively more difficult compositions on
piano or other musical instrument.
Personal Development

List behaviors that enhance safety of self and others
including prevention and response to fire. (required in PA)
Assess behaviors that increase or decrease financial security.
Assess the civic responsibilities of citizens.
Analyze current events.
Evaluate how culture and worldviews impact human behavior.
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Here is a pdf of the
educational objectives for homeschool listed above.

This can be modified to write your students' objectives for homeschool.
Other educational objectives for homeschool studies
Writing Homeschool Objectives:
How to develop your own educational objectives.
Computer Skills:
Scope and sequence of computer skills for K through 6th Grade.
Goals vs Objectives:
Homeschool Goals and Objectives - what is the difference?