Creative Writing Course

Write On has 3 secrets to writing success

Write On is a creative writing course for kids in 3rd through 8th grade.
Discover the three secrets which make it so successful.

New Skills - Short, Inviting Assignments

Writing is one of the most complex tasks required to be learned during the educational years. It is intimidating to many students. They put their best effort forward, only to be rewarded with red marks all over the page. )

When a new skill is taught in this creative writing course, the student is presented with three things:

1. A simple model ("I can do that.")

2. An invitation to apply the skill to a topic they enjoy.
(Do you have any interests more exciting to you than writing essays?)

3. A chance to explore and discuss their topic before writing.

The order of learning

Most creative writing courses have this order of events:

1. Think
2. Write
3. Discuss

Write On is different. With this creative writing course the order is as follows:

1. Discuss
2. Write
3. Think

Hmmm, isn't that backwards? Don't misunderstand. We don't want the students to leave their brains behind until after they have finished their writing.

Believe me, they are thinking the entire time. Most kids seem to think best while they are talking.

They have ideas. They have lots of ideas - often more than we want them to have. The secret here is to let them talk about a topic long enough for them to let their ideas and thoughts take shape.

We call this the four levels of writing, which is explained in detail in the instructors guide (included at the front of the book for no additional cost.)

Here's the sneaky little trick which makes this creative writing course and the parents who use it so successful at teaching writing. The students' mind is engaged in thinking about their interests, their ideas, and their topic. They mold their topic to the writing model and create a written assignment.

Now, for the thinking part. Not that they weren't thinking before, but now you show them that they did it. They took their chosen subject and produced a chronological essay, or persuasive essay, or comparative essay, or any other new writing skill.

The student now thinks about the writing process he or she just used and understands it. The writing process is no longer abstract, hypothetical, and out of their reach. They now think about how this new writing skill allowed them to communicate more effectively. They can then branch out and use that new skill with other topics as well.

As they advance through the four levels of writing with that new skill, they will become more independent and confident with that skill. But it happens naturally because they are thinking, planning, talking and writing about what interests them the most.

Paragraph Development

We all know its important, but that term "paragraph development" sounds pretty scary to our budding writers. "Writing is hard enough," they may think, "and now you add this paragraph development stuff to it!"

Paragraph development is one of the successful strategies of this creative writing course. Every five lessons the student learns another way of constructing a successful paragraph.

Writing paragraphs isn't painful. Step by step students are led through the process of shaping an organized paragraph. As they move through the four levels of writing, it begins to happen naturally.

Here's just one example. In our previous contest Writing a Character Sketch, the students used Write On #55. It led them step by step through the process of writing paragraphs describing a character. Read the students' writing as well as the model to see how the process works.

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Our bound edition is an 8 1/2 by 11" soft cover book. 138 pages
Instructor's Guide included.
Non-consumable. Shipped to your home.

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