Childrens Literature
Classical Children's Books: Find a Book Your Child Will Love
The best in children's literature: These books have withstood the two greatest tests:
Kids & Time

Classic Literature Tells the Human Story
In the midst of wrong, we search for what is right.
Whether one confronts the forces of nature, the injustices of society, the sinister plot of a twisted mind, or the empty echoes of a lonely heart; our search for good in the midst of wrong continues. Children can open the pages of great stories and see the saga of human life unfold.
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Historical Fiction Books by Periods of History

A great way to learn about the significance of events in history to the people living, historical fictions also helps kids connect with other cultures and lands. At the same time they are advancing their reading skills and enjoying great stories. Check out these lists of
Historical Fiction Books for kids of different ages. They are listed by periods of history.
Classical Children's Book Club
Reading Club Book Lists for 3rd through 8th Grade

We not only have our top ten picks for each grade of the greatest books, but we also have a
Classical Children's Book Club Certificate based on those reading list. Students who read seven of the books on the reading list for their grade earn a Club Certificate. Now that's classy.
Easy Books for Young Readers
Preschool Through Easy Chapter Books

Whether you are sharing a bedtime story with your toddler, trying to find an interesting book for your first and second grader, or searching for an easy chapter book that will spark your growing reader's love for literature, our list of
easy reading books will eagerly draw them to their favorite reading chair for another great story.
Books for Preteens

stories for preteens include favorite books for girls and the best loved books for guys. Find great stories your advancing reader will have trouble putting down. Use the ten tips to encourage reading to make literature a normal part of your child's life.
Themes In Children's Literature
Children often like reading books of their favorite genre. We list books by several popular
literary themes including animal stories, nature stories, detective stories, ocean stories and more.
Famous Authors
When a book is thoroughly enjoyed, it is often a treat to read other books by the same author. In our
list of authors we present the books and series by many of the classic authors. We will also introduce you to some new ones you might not have met yet. Intimidated by Shakespeare? We'll even show you how to make the great bard's plays what he wanted them to be: an entertaining experience and not a dreaded assignment.
Sherlock Holmes

Yes, I do understand that many students (particularly guys) aren't jumping up and down to read Jane Austin, William Shakespeare, and Henry David Thoreau. But do we have a treat for them!
When taken as a composite, Sherlock Holmes, is a fun-to-read series with some interesting features of classic literature. Start with our quotes from
Sherlock Holmes stories and let your literature-shy kids investigate how Arthur Conan Doyle wove the elements of classical literature into his popular stories. Note that many stories have content not advised for younger students, but we have provided a list of recommended Sherlock Holmes stories for kids.
Literature Unit Studies
Do more than just read the book.
Literature Unit Studies provide learning activities so kids can delve into the background and geography of the story. These Classical Childrens Book Unit Studies are from some of our favorite kids books. They are fun, easy-to-do, and FREE.

Currently, we have unit studies on:
- Little Women
- Jungle Book
- Calico Bush
- Twenty and Ten
- Wind in the Willows
- Wizard of Oz
Check back, you never know when we'll be adding more. That's because
I don't know when we're adding more. :)
More Literature Selections
How to study the Elements of Literature

at literature is at the heart of every great education. And with homeschooling you not only can provide the best of children's literature, but you can select the stories and plots that will enthuse and motivate your student. See below for more information on how to choose literature.
But studying literature is not the same as reading a story. Yes, you read it, and probably enjoy the reading. In addition, studying literature also involves reflection, analysis, and the presentation of one's own evaluation. Uh oh, sound a little to scary and a little too academic? Relax, we have prepared a simple guide which will make your literature program an adventure, and not a chore.
GUIDE to studying ELEMENTS OF LITERATURE at each age
Getting the Most of Your Literature Study
Choosing Literature for Your Child
A few years ago I was reading Jane Eyre, which was required for a literature unit study we were using with one of my students. A male colleague saw that I was reading the book and responded, "Ooooh, I
had to read that book in high school - for some reason." For him, it was an unpleasant assignment. It would be hard indeed for an English teacher to find a book that every student enjoyed.
In contrast, it is easier to find literature for an individual student. Historical fiction? Pirates? Romance? Animal stories? There are numerous stories for each one's personal preferences.
How to Choose Literature for Your Child
Writing book reports and essays from literature
You have just finished reading a great book and now are ready to write a book report demonstrating the value (or lack thereof) of reading this book. Do you want to get passed the mundane book report: Why I liked (or didn't like) this book?
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