Chemistry Unit Study
Watch your students' enthusiasm explode with the MatchCard Science Chemistry Unit Study. Hands-on projects, games to learn the atomic model and periodic table, and the easy-to-use MatchCards will make your six week unit sizzle.
FREE student MatchCards found at the bottom of this page.
About MatchCard Science

MatchCard Science is an engaging science curriculum for 3rd to 8th graders. Read more about all of the
MatchCard Science Unit Studies which provide hands-on projects, informative MatchCards, and a game-like review to master all content.
Chemistry Objectives
Here are the objectives for your Chemistry unit study.
1. Identify the three particles in an atom and tell where they are in relation to the nucleus.
2. Construct a simple model of a hydrogen atom and a helium atom and give their chemical symbols.
3. Give the chemical symbole, atomic number and electron configuration for these elements: carbon, nitrogen, oxygen.
4. Give the chemical symbole, atomic number and electron configuration for these elements: sodium, chlorine, and aluminum.
5. Identify molecules.
6. Draw a water molecule and give its chemical symbol.
7. Compare elements, compounds, and mixtures.
8. Differentiate between physical and chemical changes.
9. Identify the properties of solids, liquids, and gases.
10. Define density.
11. Explain the conservation of mass.
12. Differentiate between acids and bases.
13. Find the folllowing on a Table of the Elements: chemical symbol, atomic numbers, metals, and non-metals.
Chemistry MatchCards
The Matchcards are great for teaching and reinforcing the objectives. There is one MatchCard for each of the objectives listed above.
The MatchCards give you:
- A simple diagram of the concept
- Information pieces to place on the student card as a game
- Instructor's card with all the answers, a suggested activity for teaching
- A system for built in review
Every week you will use the corresponding MatchCard to teach the objective. In addition, the students review 5 previously learned MatchCards two or three times per week. This game-like activity is a favorite activity of many students. The Instructor's Guide gives you more ideas on organizing and using the MatchCards.
Get the MatchCard Chemistry Unit Study
Our MatchCard Science Chemistry Unit Study is available in three forms:
- Free Unit Study (student materials only)
- Purchase the download (Instructor's Guide, Student MatchCards, Answer Key, Learning Activities)
- Purchase the soft cover book (same as above, but mailed to your home
Downloadable Unit Study: $3.99

Includes all Student & Teacher Materials
Buy the Book: $8.99

Soft Cover Book Mailed to Your Home
Includes all Student & Teacher Materials
Student MatchCards: Free
Includes all student materials. Teacher's key is not included.

Fill out the form below for free student materials.
All student materials are included in each of the paid formats. For your convenience here is a list of all free MatchCard Science curriculum downloads.