Changing Many Lives - Anna(10)

by Anna

Have you heard about the sixth largest recorded earthquake? The movement was tremendous, measuring 8.8 on the Richter Scale. Because of the earthquake many buildings, houses, and bridges violently collapsed. Unfortunately the quake created tsunamis, which are tidal waves, causing boats to run out of the water. Escaping, some prisoners joined mobs to rob and steal from the grocery and department stores in certain cites, leaving many stores empty.

On February 27, 2010 at 3:30 am Saturday morning, the terrifying earthquake occurred. Most people were in bed sleeping like a log. Thankfully, because it was so early in the morning, there were not many car accidents. Being on their last weekend of summer vacation, many people were unprepared for such a disaster. If it had occurred at any other time, however, the results might have been worse.

Sadly Chile was the location of this natural disaster with the epicenter of the earthquake off the central coast. Affecting six regions of the country, the quake and tsunamis surprisingly involved an area of 1000 miles. The largest city near the epicenter was Concepción, where 20 buildings collapsed and several bridges were destroyed. In Talcahuano, just north of Concepción, a 7.7 foot tsunami was recorded. The epicenter was estimated to be at a depth of 22 miles under the sea floor.

The earthquake, tsunami, and lack of energy and food deeply affected eighty percent of the population of Chile. At least 525 people died and 25 went missing. Nine percent of Chileans lost their homes. Many people were left without drinking water, electricity, or gas from a few days to several weeks. Several countries sent aid, such as money, food, and tents. Interestingly, my family was living in Concepción at that time and I woke up at 3:30 am because of the earthquake. I stayed in bed and after the movement was over my parents came to make sure everyone was safe. The house was messy, dishes were broken, and some bookshelves had fallen down. Over the next few days, my Dad and brother helped distribute some food. Later I saw the collapsed bridges and buildings in Concepción. This earthquake was significant because it affected a huge number of people. Some lost all of their possessions and many people came to realize that life is precious. This disaster changed many lives.

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Changing Many Lives
by: Anonymous

Hard to believe a 10 year old could write such a story. It was 3:00 in the morning. She was smart to stay in bed! You actually lived through it! Gracious! Dishes broken, bookshelves fell.

Hard to believe.

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