1 - Reinforce Left to Right Writing
Lined Handwriting Paper Download
Here is lined paper that can be used for Step One or for any early handwriting course. It includes a dotted line and wide spaces for kindergarten.
You will want to have your printer ready.

2 - Learn the 8 Letter Groups
We have broken the letters into 8 letter groups which share similar letter formation. Why learn letters in groups?
Instead of trying to memorize 26 different letter formations, they really only need to learn 8.

3 - Learn the Number Groups

There are three number groups in the Better Letter Primer.
Like the letters, the numbers are grouped according to the first stroke in order to prevent reversals. There is also a fourth group which is added for students who have learned the number line from 10 to 19.
The numbers use the same story line used for letters.
Downloads for the Number Groups
Is your printer ready?
4 - Practice Handwriting Pages
The fourth step of the Better Letter Primer is to
practice the letter and number groups.
The previous lessons and downloads presented the letters and numbers individually. With these practice pages, the letter groups and number groups will be practiced together.
Handwriting Practice Downloads

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