As if they don't have enough energy, we're about to teach them more. Actually, kids will learn where all the energy comes from (even their own.) They will also learn about electromagnetic radiation (including light), heat energy, sound energy, kinetic energy, chemical and nuclear energy.
Light and Energy for Kids
What kind of weather worksheets and projects will you find? Changing season, types of preciptiaton, the water cycle, Beaufort Scale and wind strength, using different weather instruments, tornadoes and hurricanes, types of clouds, and layers of the atmosphere are topics covered on the nine MatchCards.
Weather For Kids
Motion is a forceful subject. Investigate the six simple machines, compare mass and weight, and discover the effects of friction and effects or inertia. This unit study also includes the 3 effects of gravity, speed, velocity, momentum, and acceleration. Analyze Newton's 3 laws and compare newtons, joules and watts.
Force and Motion for Kids
Here's a rock solid subject for you. Find geology worksheets and projects that teach the difference between rocks and minerals, the layers of the Earth, effect of weathering, three main groups of rocks, Moh's test, other tests for mineral identification, and formation of different types of mountains. And of course we include volcanoes and earthquakes.
Geology for Kids
We're surrounded! Water is everywhere, and it all flows to the major oceans. Students will enjoy learning about the six main oceans, groups of ocean plants and animals, parts of the ocean floor, water routes, function of seaweed, the difference between algae and plants, and the light in the ocean zones.
Oceanography for Kids
Find instructions for making an ocean lapbook from these MatchCards.
Learn about atoms, molecules, parts of the atom, atomic number and electron configuration. Check out acids and bases, physical and chemical changes, and the different states of matter. Use the density formula and periodic table.
Chemistry for Kids
To infinity and beyond? Well, maybe not; but these ten objectives will acquaint your student with the earth's rotation and revolution; our solar system, the galaxy, and astronomical units.
Astronomy for Kids
It would be a dull, colorless world without the green growing plants around us. Eleven different objectives cover six ecosystems, environmental factors that alter ecosystems, reproductive parts of flowering plants, insect and wind pollination, parts of the plant cells, photsynthesis, water and nutrient transport, sexual reproduction of plants, asexual reproduction, the carbon cycle, and the nitrogen cycle.
Botany For Kids
Nothing interests kids like animals - and there are plenty of animals to learn about. We start with insects, fish, reptiles, mammals: the classes of animals kids understand. More advanced concepts include the food web, scientific classification, one-celled animals, and cellular reproduction.
Zoology for Kids
There's a lot involved in getting that bag o' bones moving. Learn how the different organ systems work together as you study the digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system, skeletal system, muscles and joints, renal system, nervous system, eyes, ears, teeth, skin, hormones and reproductive system.
Human Body For Kids
Trying to promote a healthy lifestyle and healthy relationships? Use our nutrition and health lessons.
Nutrition, Health, and Safety for Kids
Whether or not you and your students are techno-geeks, our lesson plans will make modern machinery more understandable.
Technology for Kids
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