Early Settlers
Roanoke, Jamestown, and Popham Unit Study
A fascinating study of the first English colonies in the New World.
Adventure, tragedy, mystery, crime, an international war and political intrigue shaped those first settlements and impacted the lives of the brave souls who attempted to settle the new world.
This multi-level unit study has activities, readings, maps, and information.
Multi-Level: 3rd - 12th Grade
May be adapted to include older and younger students.

Purpose and Content
Students, teachers, and parents alike will learn more about the fascinating history as cultures collide and a new civilization is formed. Students will understand how old world forces shaped the history of this era.
- Elizabethean England: Lessons 1 & 4
- Philip II and Spanish Armada
- Privateering and Letters of Reprisal
- Sir Walter Raleigh
- Reasons for colonization
- Native Cultures of the Mid Atlantic: Lessons 2 & 3
- Secotan tribe
- Crotoan tribe
- White's drawings
- Roanoke Colony: Lessons 5 - 10
- 1584 Exploration
- 1585 Fort
- 1587 Settlement
- The Lost Colony and White's last two voyages
- What went wrong?
- Jamestown: 1607 to 1609 - Lessons 11 - 18
- 1607 Settlement
- Archaelogy and Original Sources
- Leaders: John Smith, Newport, and others
- First three Supplies
- Sea Venture and Bermuda (1609 - 1610): Lessons 19 - 22
- Wreck of the Sea Venture
- 10 months on the Island
- Strachey's report
- Onward to Jamestown
- Effect of the Sea Venture Survivors
- Jamestown: 1610 - 1614: Lessons 22 - 27
- Starving Time
- Arrival of Lord De La Warr
- Martial Law
- Pochontas: History, Legend, and Archaelogy
- Powhatan & Smith and the 1st theory of the Lost Colonists
- Theories of the Lost Colonists - Lessons 28 - 29
- #1 (1608): Killed by Powhatan
- #2 (1610): Shipwrecked
- #3 (1600's): The Group Split
- #4 (1701): Books that Talk
- #5 (1888): Lumbee Tribe
- #6 (1937): Dare Stone
- #7 (2012): Hidden Fort at Site X
- #8 (2017): Major Hurricane
- #9 Questions about the primary sources
- Popham Colony: Lessons 30 - 33
- The London Company
- Old Friends and New Faces
- John Hunt's Map: Zuniga Strikes Again!
- End of the Colony
- Historical Archaeology and Popham Colony: Finding the Forgotten Fort
- Who Cares About an Old Colony? Lessons From Popham
- Jamestown: 1617 to 1619: Lessons 34 - 38
- Nathaniel Powell remembers the past and senses changes to come
- First Legislative Assembly of 1619
- 11 Settlements: 11 Representatives
- The Four Charters
- War in Angola and Congo
- Journey of the White Lion
- Privateering and Slavery
- Looking Back and Looking Ahead
Format of the Early Settlers Unit Study
Our content is divided into 38 suggested lessons. If two lessons are done a day, it will take 19 academic days to complete (or four weeks.)
The Lesson Overview (pictured immediately above) gives a quick break-down of content for each lesson. It also identifies content that can be deleted for a shorter unit study or a unit for younger children.
Get the Early Settlers Unit Study
Explore scenes of native life, evaluate reasons for settling the new world, search for clues to the fate of the lost colonists, join the John Smith scavenger hunt on the 1612 Map of Virginia, sail with Strachey on the ill-fated Sea Venture, look for the location of old forts, and vote in the first legislative assembly.

Multi-Level Unit Study: Student & Teacher's Material Included
$5.99 Download - 199 pages
Early Settlers Pages
Check out our other pages for the Early Settlers Unit Study
Our Unit Study
199 Page Download
Lesson Plans
Content in 38 Lessons
Native Paintings
Algonquian Culture
Timeline of Events
The Lost Colony
Nine Theories
Jamestown Stories
The Best Kids' Books
Jamestown Maps
Historical & New
John Smith's Map
Join the Scavenger Hunt
Sea Venture
Timeline of Events
Sea Venture Game
What Happened?
True Report
Modern Transliteration
Sea Venture
11 Outcomes of the Wreck
19 Facts From History
History vs Legend
Did she rescue Smith?
Who Was Kocoum?
Two Different Theories
Powhatan Attack?
1st Theory of the Colonists
Popham Settlement
Sagadahoc Colony
Irony of 1619
Two Jamestown Events
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Student Guide AND Teacher's Answer Key Included
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Geography Activities
Vocabulary Book Marks
Literary Analysis for kids
Date of Major Events
Highlights of each chapter
Sea Venture Game
Game of events of 1609 - 1610