A Lion To Guard Us Unit Study
Activities, Vocabulary, Maps, Discussion Questions and much more accompany Clyde Bulla's historical fiction novel:
A Lion To Guard Us.

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Student Guide AND Teacher's Answer Key Included
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Historical Fiction
This is a great first historical fiction novel for students: the founding of Jamestown Colony, the wreck of the ship
Sea Adventure, and the Starving Time during the fateful winter.

Above Left: Bermuda Stamp commemorating the
Sea Venture. Right: Admiral George Somers and Governor Thomas Gates
Students learn about the third supply to Jamestown, the fleet of ships, the wreck of the Sea Venture, and the questions between Somers and Gates followers during the months they were shipwrecked on Bermuda.

As a Final Quiz, students chronoligically order the events depicted in Bermuda's commemorative stamps. The correct order shown above is:
- The fleet leaving Plymouth, England
- The Sea Venture wrecks during the storm
- The Building of the Deliverance
- Deliverance and Patience leave Bermuda
- Deliverance and Patience arrive in Jamestown
Fun facts and historical information are spread throughout the unit study.
A Lion To Guard Us Vocabulary
has chapter-by-chapter lists of words and their defintions. Our popular vocabulary bookmarks help students find words in the order they appear in their books.
The Lion To Guard Us Maps will show the location of:
- England
- London
- River Thames
- Plymouth
- The New World
- Bermuda
- Jamestown
- Chesapeake Bay
- Virginia
In addition, students will learn 4 distinct features of the United States eastern coast (including the Fire-Breathing-Dragon-shaped Chesapeake Bay.)
Historical Fiction
We consider the role of historical fiction in literature. Students differentiate historial from fictitious elements:
- Main characters of Amanda, Jemmy, Meg, and Dr. Crider are fictitious.
- Admiral George Somers, Captain Christopher Newport, and Governor Thomas Gates are historical characters.
- John Rolfe, Master Hopkins, Chris Carter, and Robert Waters were minor historical characters who left their mark on the New World.
Grammar is taught in context of simple and complex sentences.
- Commas with conjunctions
- Commas separating phrases
- Italicize: the names of ships
Literary Analysis
Students will investigate these elements of literature in their chapter-by-chapter activities:
- Setting
- Action Plot
- Types of Conflict
- Themes
- Symbolism
Chapter Summary
The teacher's key includes a
summary of events in each chapter for a quick review.
Other Student Activities
Lot of activities keep students actively engaged:
- Narrate the events in their chapters
- Plan what to pack for a sea voyage
- Draw 4 distinct features of the US eastern coast
- Debate questions of social class and politics
- Write a Facts Essay
- Watch a kids version of Shakespeare's play, The Tempest
Sea Venture timeline provides dates on the founding and supply of Jamestown, the fleet and wreck of the
Sea Adventure, and beginning settlements on Bermuda Island.
In our activities, students will use the timeline to calculate length of time passengers were on the ship, on the island, and sailing away from Bermuda.
Get the Lion To Guard Us Unit Study

Student Guide AND Teacher's Answer Key Included
$2.99 Download - 78 pages
Our pages for A Lion To Guard Us
Clyde Bulla's Historical Fiction of Jamestown & the Sea Venture
Our Unit Study
Download the 78 page Unit
Geography Activities
Vocabulary Book Marks
Literary Analysis for kids
Date of Major Events
Highlights of each chapter
Sea Venture Game
Game of events of 1609 - 1610