Human Anatomy Unit Study

The MatchCard Science Human Anatomy Unit Study will put real muscle on your students' understanding of their body. This six to eight week study provides creative learning activities, discussion questions, safe experiments, and the fun-to-use MatchCards.

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What do you get when you cross textbook content with dyanamic teaching activities? Read more about all of the MatchCard Science Unit Studies

Human Anatomy Objectives

Here are the objectives for your Human Anatomy unit study.
1. Describe how body systems are built from cells.
2. List the parts of the digestive system and describe their function.
3. List the main structures of the teeth and describe their function.
4. Identify the main parts of the respiratory system.
5. Trace the route of blood through the circulatory system.
6. List the major bones of the human skeleton.
7. Explain how joints and muscles work to allow the body to move.
8. List the parts of the renal system and their function.
9. Identify the major parts of the nervous system.
10. Describe the function of the major parts of the eye.
11. Describe the function of the major parts of the ear.
12. Describe the functions of the major parts of the skin.
13. Describe the major parts of the male and female reproductive systems.
14. Identify where hormones come from and their effect on the body.

The Human Anatomy MatchCards are used to teach the objectives, review the content in a game-like review, and provide a human anatomy quiz to test their knowledge base.

Human Body MatchCards

Anatomy MatchCard Anatomy MatchCard Anatomy MatchCard

The Matchcards are great for teaching and reinforcing the objectives. There is one MatchCard for each of the objectives listed above.

What Is A MatchCard?

Each MatchCard covers presents the content to meet one objective in a visual manner. Students manipulate Information Pieces (included in the back) to demonstrate their knowledge of the material.

The Instructor's Guide gives detailed information on how to start and keep a notebook for students to review their MatchCards which enables them to remember and expand their knowledge base.

In addition, the Learning Activities list multiple teaching tasks that allow the learner to explore and consider the material for multiple perspectives.


Get the MatchCard Science Human Anatomy Unit Study

Here are your options for using the Human Anatomy Unit Study:

Downloadable Unit Study: $3.99

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Buy the Book: $8.99

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Student MatchCards: Free

Includes all student materials. Teacher's key is not included.

Human Anatomy MatchCard
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All student materials are included in each of the paid formats. For your convenience here is a list of all free MatchCard Science curriculum downloads.

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