Syllable Savvy Spelling
The 4th Edition of the
Score Soaring Spelling curriculum is here!
Syllable Savvy Spelling increases spelling ability with the simple syllable-by-syllable method.

Spelling Success
Why Syllable Savvy Spelling will increase your student's ability to spell
- Attention is focused on the letters in each syllable with the syllable-by-syllable break down in both the three column method and a simplified two-column list.
- Immediate self-correcting feedback is given to the student.
- Positive reinforcement is provided for each syllable correctly spelled.
- Independent learning with the three column method does not require the instructor to read each word for the student to study spelling.
- Words the student has missed previously are incorporated.
- Simple, uncluttered pages are inviting to the students and have no distractions.
What's New?
New Features of the Latest Edition
Here is what the latest edition offers:
- Each lesson has words listed in the traditional three-column list as well as a two-column list for visual learners.
- Each lesson has a Weekly Directions page which alerts the instructor to the troublesome words and tricks and tips for overcoming them.
- The Instructor's Guide lists supplemental activities for extra practicie.
- Spelling Tricks in Level Three help students identify those homophones and homonyms and tricks to remember them.
- Levels Seven and Eight have a table comparing the parts of speech which illuminates spelling patterns and vocabulary changes.
- New spelling rules in the appendix help with some tricky spelling dilemmas.
What Hasn't Changed?
We have kept the features everyone loved:
- The syllable-by-syllable format which cements spelling patterns into students' minds
- The same appendix and lettering system so you don't have to learn new rules (except for the two new ones.)
- The Instructor's Guide is included. (Nothing else to buy!)
Three Columns
The three column method guides them to correctly study the words independently.
- First Column: Phonetic Spelling
The student can sound the word out using dictionary pronunciation.
- Second Column: Standard spelling
This is familiar to the students. It is easier to read the word than spell it.
- Third Column: Syllable Spelling
Students self-check their work syllable by syllable. No moving on until each is correct.
How It Works
Homeschool Spelling Day by Day
- 1st Day: The parent and student review the three columns of words.
- Days 2 through 4: The student independently practices the words, writing them on the work page.
- Day 5: Watch their spelling test scores soar.
More information on HOW TO TEACH with Syllable Savvy Spelling.
Order Syllable Savvy Spelling Now
You have two options for purchasing Syllable Savvy Spelling:
- Order the paperback book. The 136 page soft cover will be mailed to you.
- Order the E-Book. Save the cost and time of shipping and download the ebook below.
Order the Paperback
Softcover books are mailed to your home. It includes the instructors guide, student workbook pages, spelling guide, and appendix with spelling rules. No other books are needed.
Syllable Savvy 3 Soft Cover
Syllable Savvy 4 Soft Cover
Syllable Savvy 5 Soft Cover
Syllable Savvy 6 Soft Cover
Syllable Savvy 6 Soft Cover
Syllable Savvy 8 Soft Cover
Download the E-Book
Download it now and save time and shipping costs. Have your
printer ready with 133 sheets of paper.
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Syllable Savvy 6 DOWNLOAD
Syllable Savvy 7 DOWNLOAD
Syllable Savvy 8 DOWNLOAD
View Sample Lessons
We have FREE downloads of the first lesson for grades three to eight. See for yourself how the three-column-method works.
In addition, each page lists several lists of words from different lessons throughout the one year curriculum to give you an idea of the words studied.
Our Instructor's Guide
The Instructor's Guide comes with each book so there are NO additional materials to buy.
You can download a copy of the
Syllable Savvy Spelling Instructor's Guide. Follow this link to find the download.
Try It With A Hard Word
Perhaps you will understand how this works better if you see it in action with a hard word.
Let's use the Syllable Savvy 3 column method to spell one of the trickiest: BUREACRACY
Watch how Syllable Savvy can
Improve Spelling with hard words.
Order Syllable Savvy Spelling Now
You have two options for purchasing Syllable Savvy Spelling:
- Order the paperback book. The 136 page soft cover will be mailed to you.
- Order the E-Book. Save the cost and time of shipping and download the ebook below.
Order the Paperback
Softcover books are mailed to your home. It includes the instructors guide, student workbook pages, spelling guide, and appendix with spelling rules. No other books are needed.
Syllable Savvy 3 Soft Cover
Syllable Savvy 4 Soft Cover
Syllable Savvy 5 Soft Cover
Syllable Savvy 6 Soft Cover
Syllable Savvy 6 Soft Cover
Syllable Savvy 8 Soft Cover
Download the E-Book
Download it now and save time and shipping costs. Have your
printer ready with 133 sheets of paper.
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Syllable Savvy 4 DOWNLOAD
Syllable Savvy 5 DOWNLOAD
Syllable Savvy 6 DOWNLOAD
Syllable Savvy 7 DOWNLOAD
Syllable Savvy 8 DOWNLOAD
Syllable Savvy Spelling Pages
Check out our other pages on the The Score Soaring Way to Spell
Syllable Savvy Spelling
Discover how Syllable Savvy teaches anyone to spell any word.
3 Column Method
Three columns promote the syllable-by-syllable technique.
Teaching Spelling
How to teach with Syllable Savvy Spelling
Themes in Syllable Savvy
Spelling Themes in each of the graded curriculum
Level 3
3rd Grade Spelling
Level 4
4th Grade Spelling
Level 5
5th Grade Spelling
Level 6
6th Grade Spelling
Level 7
7th Grade Spelling
Level 8
8th Grade Spelling