5th Grade Reading Club Certificate
Join the 5th Grade Book Club and earn a certificate for reading seven of the best classic books for fifth graders. Of course, there is no charge to join and you will enjoy some of the best books ever written.

Great Books for Great Readers
Join our heroes and heroines as they journey to far places, flee from danger, settle in untamed wildnernesses, fight legendary villains, and fight so that good will triumph over evil.
How It Works
We have listed our pick of the very best books by grade level. Students who read seven of the books on the list can earn the Classical Childrens Book 3rd Grade Book Club Award.
The process is simply:
- The students choose the seven books they wish to read from the grade level lists.
- After reading the seven books, they go to the corresponding page for their grade level.
- The students fill in the form with their name (as they want it to appear on their certificate), the seven books they read, and their email address.
- The 5th Grade Book Club certificate will be emailed to the child.
- We WILL NOT keep your email for any other use by ourselves or others.
- If you desire to stay in contact with us, we invite you to subscribe to our quarterly report. But we do NOT use the childrens book club to build or maintain an email list.
Books in the 5th Grade Book Club List
Read the description of the ten books in the
5th Grade Reading List to choose the ones you would like to read.
You don't have to stop at seven. You can read them all.
What's the value of these books? These books tell about history, about culture, and about the most important parts of life.
There is also a variety. If you find you really like a particular book, you can use it to find other great books like it.
Our Fifth Grade Reading List
Here is a list of titles on the 5th grade book club list. See the link above for author, description, and pictures.
- Blue Willow by Doris Gates
- Call It Courage by Armstrong Perry
- Bambi: Life in the Woods by Felix Salten
- The Landing of the Pilgrims by James Daugherty
- Winterbound by Margery Bianco
- Miracle on Maple Hill by Virginia Sorensen
- McHiggins the Great by Virginia Hamilton
- The Black Stallion by Walter Farley
- Twenty and Ten by Claire Huchet Bishoop
- Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh by Robert O'Brien
- Traitor: The Case of Benedict Arnold by Jean Fritz
- King Arthur: Tales from the Round Table by Andrew Lang
- Aladdin and Other Favorite Arabian Nights Stories by Philip Smith
Submit the form below
If you have read seven books on the 5th Grade Book Club Reading List, submit the form below to receive your certificate.
Submit your first and last name as you wish it to appear on your certificate.
The certificate will be emailed to you within 48 hours. We will NOT save your email address and promise not to use it for any other purpose.
By completing this form, you are stating that you have read the books in full.