3 Classes of Fire
Can your kids use the right fire extinguisher on each of the 3 classes of fire?
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MatchCard Science Classes of Fire Worksheet

Objective: Identify the 3 classes of fire.
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MatchCard Information Pieces describe the three classes of fires. Students match the descriptions to the right fire extinguisher on the worksheet.
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This is MatchCard #8 of the Nutrition, Health, and Safety Unit Study. Find more information on MatchCard Science below.
Three Classes of Fires
ABC of Fire Safety

Here is a memory device to remember the 3 classes of fire:
- A - Ashes: Wood, paper turn to ash when burnt
- B - Barrel: Gasoline, kerosene, and other flammable liquids come in barrels
- C - Current: Batteries and electrical wires carry an electrical current
2 more classes of fires
Older students might develop another MatchCard for two additional classes of fires:
- D: Metals - What metals burn? What conditions?
- K: Commercial kitchens grease fires. This is a subclass of Class B, but extinguishers particularly for these fires are available.
Fire Extinguishers
Every home should have a fire extinguisher. If you do not, or you check the date and it is expired, now’s a great time to purchase a fire extinguisher. Let your student(s) help you pick it out. Look at the numerical rating on the extinguishers. Compare costs.
And of course, there is no sense having an extinguisher if you can’t use it. If you found your old one is expired, use it for practice. If you don’t have an expired extinguisher, use an inexpensive new one to conduct an annual practice session.
Practicing Using the Extinguisher

The mnemonic P A S S reminds us how to use a fire extinguisher:
- Pull
- Aim for the base of the fire
- Squeeze
- Sweep
Discuss what would happen if you didn’t follow this order.
Fire and Oxygen
Smother A Fire
Fires need oxygen to burn. To demonstrate this, light a candle. Then put a transparent glass bowl or glass over the top. Watch the flame be extinguished.
Build A Campfire
If your child has not had the opportunity to start a fire (a common scouting activity), look for the chance to give him or her the chance to do so. It takes a little know how and practice. Start with small dry grass or twigs, add larger twigs, then sticks, small logs and large logs. Have them start by making piles of the five sizes of wood.
Fire Safety
More information on teaching fire safety can be found on our worksheet and activities for
home safety. MatchCard 7 describes some of the most common safety hazards in homes, including fire.
Let's Think About It: Oxygen
Oxygen is highly flammable. You will see people in the community with chronic lung diseases carrying portable oxygen and inhaling it through tubing. These individuals could not go to a camp, or even sit at a restaurant with a burning candle. What other life changes would this require?